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The following morning Jane and I was up early. It stopped raining. Maura was making our breakfast while I was on the phone with home depot ordering a huge enough generator that would work for the Weisner family.  They would be delivering it today.  Jane told me she called one of her clients and asked them to set a cement pad later today and they agreed to come by to put blowers to dry the area enough to put the cement pad thicker then what is required so when it rained again it would sink some but enough for them  install the generator tomorrow.  They would show both of the couple how to use it and who to call if it needs to be repaired.

While we are eating Jane is telling them. They were crying knowing they don't have to worry about  not having electrify anymore. They thought their solar panels would of made their electricity turn on. We explained to them that Jane would look into their installers and have someone potray as a elderly couple not understanding how it works correctly.  If the camera and sound was the same , she would file a law suit and their solar would be free as well a settlement.

Jane and Maura thank you . You two have been a godsend. I have asked my cousin to put a temporary generator on last night . I am going to go fill it up more. We didn't want your food to spoil. Plus Maura wanted to make sure you slept well and not have to stress more. Gary was afraid our food would spoil especially in the freezer.  It didn't.  Your alarm still worked but we made sure turn your lights off yesterday except your guest bedroom, your bathroom and the kitchen so people think you were home.  We would like you to stay here tonight too and longer if it's needed. If you ever need work done in repairs including plumbing, please call Jane and I. We will cover the costs of parts and our friends and former teens in Everlasting teen home we started will do your labor for free. We know of the place. We occasionally donate money to the place.  Jane and I thank you. We started the home several years ago. Pleased call us day or night. Even if we are not home or in the country,  we all find someone to help you that we trust that won't do harm or ruin anything more than what it is.

Jane Maura I am guessing is a nurse or a doctor.  I am a doctor.  I am a former detective and now an international lawyer. Maura and I have has several careers during our life time.  We both loved our grandparents and they meant alot to us both.  Isles Foundation and everlasting winery were my grandparents businesses. I inherited both and properties.  My identical twin sister is co owner of the wineries. We knew you two played golf professionally before as did the lady who use to live with you who is a judge now. You mean Lisa Marcos. Yes says Gary. The two of us do alot of charity work and donate.  If you need,  help please ask and don't think we will judge you . Thank you.  Yes thank you.

You two go rest and we will do the clean up. Maura I would like to make lunch and dinner. Of course Ruthie, you can choose anything you want. We will help you get any items you need along with the cookware and seasons. Thank you.

Gary let's see what we are going to make. I would like to bbq. I don't use the oxygen tank all the time.  I keep it in the same room so when I need it.

Gary and Ruthie looked through the pantry, refrigerator and the cupboards. Ruthie wanted to make potato salad and chili beans. Gary wanted to bbq turkey dogs.  Jane told her they had beans frozen in the garage and she would take it our so it would be unthawed for dinner. Gary wanted to grill some ribs for lunch with fresh green beans.
We got out all the seasons they needed and the cooking utensils and pots, pans, platters and potato peeler. We finished cleaning and left them in the kitchen. We both went to our offices to do some work.

Several hours passed and we could smell the ribs cooking. We were called to come and eat lunch.  We ate quite well and Gary definitely knew how to bbq. He said he was a cook in the army and Ruthie was a nurse in the navy. They both retired from each military service. We told them we did a few tours in the military too. Me as a doctor and Jane as a jag lawyer.

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