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Several days have passed and the roads that eroded were being fixed. Maura had drove her SUV in a sink hole not on purpose.  She was able to get out safely after severide's crew were able to use the Jaws of life to get her out. She was able to not have to wear the neck5 brace. Her body was still sore and she had abrasions from the seat belt and when the air bag inflated to keep her safe.

Aye Maura how you feeling? Dr. Sands alot better.  Maura Christopher.  Sorry yes Christopher. You all gave us a scared when Jane called in to tell us you were in accident and would need a few days off to feel better. Christopher I now know how a neck brace feels and I was miserable wearing it. Plus it was an eyesore.  It took me longer to get dressed and making the neck brace looking invisible with scarfs. Yes, John dropped off my new Mercedes.  I still cannot believe you had it flown in from Italy.  They couldn't get the green one here. John saw one in Italy sent me a photo and the cost. I liked it and had the smog done in San Francisco when he went three before he came here.  You know me by now Christopher if I like something. Plus I got a good deal since they know me in Italy and we buy a lot of vehicles there for the winery.. Christopher how's my eye sight now? Alot better. You lucked out the scratch on your cornea from the accident wasn't bad. I know.  Thanks for the check up. I am glad no more eye patch is needed. Jane kept calling doc  the pirate. Now she cannot call me that or I hope not anymore. I better get going to kaiser south to see my patient.  I won't be back. Please tell everyone here for me. I will. Thanks.

I left and drove to Kaiser south to check on my patient who had his appendix burst.  He barely got there before it got lethal.

I parked and my cell was ringing.

Hey babe I am seeing my patient than going home afterwards

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Hey babe I am seeing my patient than going home afterwards. Okay I was checking to see if you got your suv and how your eye appointment went with Dr. Sands. He cleared me and John dropped it off. It's smogged and registered.  I called the insurance agent too when John landed to get insurance on it before he drove it and had the insurance removed from it from the winery. Babe I will pick up Indian food on the way home for dinner for the four of us. Cheryl and Lisa are bringing dessert. Okay love you. Love you to J.

I ended my conversation and went to the third floor.

Good afternoon Dr. Isles he is waiting and cannot wait to be discharged. Okay thank you.

The nurse Kelly O'Brian handed me his chart. I reviewed it and than walked to his room.

Dr. Isles please tell me you are discharging me. I reviewed your chart Charles. It looks good. I just need to do my own exam. If you pass than yes you will go. Please let me pass. I want to eat real food.

Charles take a deep breath,  release your breath. Again,  release,  again and release . How does this feel? Tender but alot better. I will prescribe you some medicine one to fight any infection that may occur. I can't promise you won't get an infection like I went over with you before the surgery. The other will be a pain pill. Please take one pain with breakfast and the other with dinner. The antibiotic three times per day every 8 hours and no food is needed with the antibiotic. Both pills will be for 7 days. If you have complications,  call my service or come back here. I will.  I will sign your discharge papers.  Thank you. Remember no wrestling for awhile. Your school will be without you for awhile. I will let you know when you can return to wrestling.   Bye. Bye Dr..Isles and thank you. I will have the nurse go over everything with you again and your parents.

I left his room and completed the discharge paperwork.

Here are his discharge paper work. Thank you for looking after my patient. Your welcome.  Dr. Isles are you feeling better? Yes got a clean bill of health. I am glad for you. Thank you and me too.

I left the hospital and drove to get the Indian food for dinner.

I left the hospital and drove to get the Indian food for dinner

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I returned home Lisa and Cheryl were there. I opened the garage and backed in.

I closed the garage door and took the food out and laid the food on my vehicle

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I closed the garage door and took the food out and laid the food on my vehicle. I slid slide on the garage,  got the food.

Cheryl came in the garage to help me.

I heard Christopher gave you a clean bill of health. Yeah and thanks for staying with us all this time. Your welcome.  I wanted to make sure you didn't strain your eye. Jane  is inside. Okay cool we can eat than.

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