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We finished eating barley soup with fresh bread Maura had picked up from Safeway on her way from work.

How was work Maura? Too busy.  People are worried about being safe from the flooding. Several of my patients homes were flooded only their garages so far. Well I checked with the employees and our loved ones so far everyone is good. I am glad Maur. I have some work to do to get ready for court if they don't close the court house. The roads are bad getting there and they are afraid more rain no court functions. The judges suggested they do the hearings on live feed from their homes. They are making one wall in their homes with a United States and the American flag and a table. The prisoners will stay there or if they do have  home they will do it out of there.This is a last resort. Paperwork will be done basically online via a secured line for it all as much as possible.  I am getting my office ready here too. The cost will be passed onto the clients if thet agreed or they will be locked up longer or on a ankle bracelet.  Those are the two options. The witnesses will be done at one place or two places with a bailiff and other officers and the District attorney or assistant district attorney. We all hope it doesn't come to that. I will clean up the mess J go have fun. Thanks babe.

Jane left to her office.

Jane left to her office

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All done. Babe no photos showing either.  Looks good J. I will be in our bedroom to watch the news with you in about an hour. Okay!

J finally enters the bedroom and closes are bedroom door and locks it.  I look like why lock it's only us here, but I refrain from saying it. She uses her cell and connects to our room sound system and starts playing a very energetic but slow song and starts stripping. I take off my glasses and log off my lap top and place it on the night stand.  She is has everything removed  but her compression shorts.

Babe you enjoy? J of course but what do I  deserve this special performance? You have been my best friend for years.  We have been through alot and even when we were at odds, we have been there for one another.  This is me telling you are my one true love and best friend.  Jane yes we have gone through alot. Come here daddy and you will be rewarded. I hope you plan on staying awake and being at work tired.  Maur anything for you I will do.

Jane comes closer and I remove her compression shorts and take her member in my mouth and swallow as much of it as I can and start giving her a blow Jon while one hand is pulling on her balls and two fingers pumping in and out of her anus. Jane is barely holding om and is moaning telling me yes doc don't stop. She is balancing herself using the top of my head. I can tell she is coming by her moans her shaft getting wider and more liquid on my fingers. She comes on my digits and in my mouth.  I remove my fingers and left my arm for her to duck on my fingers clean why I continue making her cum more.  Jane comes three more times before  I stop sucking and licking her tip of her penis.
She moves and lays next to me when I lay on my side.

J you like? Doc of course I like. I would be a fool not to. Now it's my turn to make you cum first the back than the front.

J enters my anus while grabbing both of my breasts and brings herself closer while twisting and leaving little hematomas on each breast.  She finally goes for it and is pumping her 10.5 penis in my anus as far as she can. We both are screaming and moaning. We cum together twice. We are shaking and all sweating. She finally pulls  out and I can feel the liquid on my buttocks and the sheets. She rolls me on my back and my buttocks are soaked in our cum when she kisses my neck and kicks my nose and each cheek before she slides her tongue in my mouth and her soft penis in my pussy.  She us pumping in and out and our hips are in sync making us both feel good. She continues and pulls her tongue after we fight for dominance and smiles.  Her head is on my shoulder. I heat her moan loudly as we climax together .


We both get up to relieve ourselves and take a shower,  brush and floss our teeth and use mouth wash once we exit the shower and dry off. I leave to strip our bed wrapped in a towel and start the washing machine. Jane is already out and dried with her silk boxers and Sports bra on. We make the bed with clean bedding. I take my towel off and dry myself. I put some lacy panties and bra on with a pair of pajamas on and get back into bed.  We cuddle and kiss for a bit and eventually fall asleep with me being in front of Jane on our sides.

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