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The following morning Maura helps me out of bed so I cam relieve myself.  She helps me back to the bed and gets back in bed after she brings me some water and a protein bars for breakfast for us both.  We take our morning medications etcetera. We eat our protein bars after Maura tosses the wrappers in the trash. She uses the restroom and returns . She helps me lie on my stomach off the air mattress with pillows by my dick so it's  not sandwiched. She covers us up with Maura laying on her back.  We don't have to communicate we know I am in pain with my moans.  We both fall asleep. Maura was first. I know I kept her up all night at different times helping me to the restroom.  We both have boxers on. 

Jane woke me up close to eleven. I helped her up and we took a hot shower not too hot. While we showered and washed our hair. Maura was a huge help.  We got out and towel dried our hair. Maura turned up the heat so we didn't have to blow dry our hairs. We brushed our teeth. We got dressed in lounge wear and slippers. We walked into the kitchen after Maura picked uo every thing I wore and towels. I made us some much needed coffee while Maura started the washer and she said she was taking our clothes to the cleaner on the way to see the gal she operated on yesterday.  I made some cream of wheat while she placed the cleaners bag in hee vehicle after she turned off the alarm.  We ate. She unloaded the dish washer and I loaded it. She changes into her addidas sweats, shirt,  tennis shoes and socks. She said Avery would be here while she is gone.  Avery rings the doorbell and I opened the door.  Maura and her hug.

I will be back in about an hour an half . Avery while I am gone please pill potatoes and boil them. I am going to make a potato salad and chili dogs with the turkey chili that Is in the crock pot. Okay auntie.  Avery I am going to the cleaners. If any 6 of us have clothes there,  I will be picking them up.  I already let Dorothy know. Thanks Auntie.

Ok Auntie have a seat and I will get the bag of potatoes out of the pantry .

My niece brings out the bag and opens it. She takes 15 potatoes out and starts washing them. She picks up the bag with the other potatoes and puts it back into the pantry and gets the potatoes peeler and gets a plastic bag to put the cut peel in and goes at it with the potato peeler and removes the white and bad parts then rinses her hands and the potatoes in the sink. She tosses the bag away and gets a pot and fills it enough to cover the potatoes she rinses again than places them in the pot. Afterwards she turns the stove top to 6 I think and leaves it. During this entire time she apologizes for laughing and teasing me last night. I tell her it's alright and if she were in that position as me I would I probably do the same.

Auntie do you want to move to the couch or your bed? Bed and I will walk myself. It still hurts bit nothing like last night   Avery please put the air mattress and pump in my trunk inside the back after you deflate it and please put it in the bag. I would like to leave tonight after the game. I will group text everyone. Maura will drive my pick up. Are you sure you want to be sitting uo in the truck for that long? I suggest you come with me in the hummer and June can go with Maura. We will see.   Okay! I have our bags packed already with our weapons and gear in the hummer already. I drove June to work this morning and the hummer was in the garage safe. I deflated the air mattress and placed it in the bag .


It felt good having the deep blue massaged into my back. Baby girl washes her hands and I don't recall anything else. 

My Auntie fell asleep. I take the pump to her truck and put it inside her truck along with a case of water, a shovel,  sand bag, and the bag of snacks on the table. I close the truck and lock the garage door.  I stir the water a little in pot so it doesn't over flow. I called the cheese cake factory to have four strawberry regular cheese cakes with strawberries on top with it drizzled to be delivered here on my credit card.  I end the call. I get on my lap top and use the wifi here. I know the password and log into my files and start working.  I hear the intercom sound. I answer it and buzz the delivery guy to drive in.

Hi Auntie. They are delivering four cheese cakes for tonight.  She wants to leave tonight why? Yes and I don't know.why.  She is asleep.  I deflated the air mattress and it's in the bag supporting her back with the pillows from the other bedrooms and massaged the last of the deep blue. Okay. I have a few more bottled. I will go pack our bags. Auntie the pump,  a case of water, a shovel, a bag of sand and the snacks you had in the kitchen in the bag is  in the truck.  While you pack I will mash up the potatoes for you. My  hummer is packed. I dropped off June at work this morning. Are we getting groceries here or there? There and I already placed the order with all of our likes . The property manager picked up the groceries and placed the stuff in the refrigerator and freezer. The other items that didn't need to be frozen or refrigerated is on the table. Please take my suv and go get the house hold items, over the counter medicine and three more first aid kits that is listed on the list.

While we were talking Avery put the four cheese cakes in the refrigerator. She said she needed to log off on her laptop.  She had drained the water and had already mashed the potatoes for me  I handed her my keys and she went to the garage.  I saw her leave while I was finishing up the potato salad. I put it in the refrigerator to chill.cleaned all the dirty items. I than went to our bedroom to pack out bags,  gun gear and weapons we taking as well as our vitamins.probiotics, colloidal silver,  more deep blue. Our laptops,  chargers for cell phones and laptops. I had everything packed in Jane's truck in over an hour. I laid on the other side of my wife with my tennis shoes and jacket off. My wide must of felt me in me bed and moved closer to me. I held her hand and nodded off to sleep.

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