8.Golden Skin

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Third Person POV

"Young master a letter has arrived in your name." said Minhi.

"Well thankyou. You may leave." said Taehyung smiling.

He was back from his third morning since he started learning archery from Jungkook. In past three days he witnessed that younger refrain to speak much to him unless it was necessary. For some reason it was quite bothersome for the elder. He needed Jungkook to talk to him like he do with others. Enthusiastically and kindly.

Taehyung glanced at the name of sender and his eyes sparkled happiness. He opened the letter with great urgency almost ripping it in process.

My Dear Friend,
I hope this letter has found you in best of your health. Myself has missed you to greater extents. Paris does not seem Paris without you. I shall be on business in London this coming Friday. I hope to see you there my friend. I am assuming we are close enough to know where you will find me in foggy evenings of London.
I shall wait for you.
Your Friend,

He smiled at the words of his dear friend and mentor. He closed his eyes and all the priceless moments ran through his eyes like a magic film that he had spend in Paris with his friend. Taehyung really missed his carefree days in Paris. He had seen so many beautiful things.
He had experienced new things do not have existence in this part of land. He had touched wonderful miracle of natural art in France. Touched. This verb brought back his latest urge again and face of younger came in his mind instantly.

If he was in France, it would not have been different. He had satisfied his desire of touching the younger by now. However, it could not be possible here. Little did Taehyung know that younger was also being desired to touch by him.
He remembered that day in woods when he was so close to younger. He lips was about to touch younger's skin. His amazing fragrance was delight to his nasal senses. Taehyung unconsciously rubbed his tongue on his lips thinking about the younger when this thought came to his mind. He stood up and made his way out of the mansion.

"Minhi-shi, ask Deonji to prepare a carriage for me instantly." said Taehyung wearing his gloves.

"Young Master may I know you destination?"

"Jeon Mansion." said the viscount.

He was now standing infront of Jeon Mansion. A attended escorted him towards waiting rooms. Not soon after Jeon Jaehi appeared in the room.
"Well my Lord. I beg your pardon. I hope I did not make you wait much." Jaehi said presenting herself.

"Pardon shall be from my side for not notifying you priorly." smiled Taehyung.
"My Lord you don't have to you can visit any time you want. I shall call Sohee till than please have tea with me."
"Actually, the purpose of my visit is to meet Jungkook."

Jaehi looked at Taehyung in confusion because she was not expecting this.
"Oh next time send him orders he will present himself at your service. You don't have to fret my lord." Jaehi smiled.

"It's nothing big and I do not believe in ordering everyone around me lady Jeon." said Taehyung.

"Oh my my you are a kind soul. I shall call Jungkook then."

"If it's okay I would like to go to his chambers." said Taehyung.

"Sure my lord."

Jaehi called a male house helper and instructed him to lead way for Taehyung to Jungkook's room.

"My lord May I make your presence known to young master? " said the boy.

"No there is no need." said Taehyung.
Boy had no choice but to bow and turn away.
Now Taehyung was standing infront of Jungkook's door. He knocked lightly on the door. After a few seconds he heard faintest, "Come in."

He entered and a voice came.
"Please place the tray on table Yoonah-shi."

Taehyung smiled for being mistaken for a maid. He looked around younger's room it was not as huge as his own but fair enough. It was simple with white cotton curtains and white sheets unlike his blue slik ones. He moved a bit further and saw canvas with drapped over cloth. He raised his hand to pull the cloth but heard some shuffling in far cornor of the room and backed away.

"Mmm-my Lord." said younger his eyes were wide in shock. Younger emerged wearing a silk robe. He seems to be straight out of bath. His hair wet, dripping water on his silk robe staining them. His chest was visible through the deep V-neck of his robe. Half of his thin-toned calves could also be seen through his robe.

Younger was froze at his spot seeing viscount standing in his room. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him.

"I hope I did not disturb you." said elder smirking. His mind was screaming at him to close the distance and pull out the condemned string of Jungkook's robe.
Taehyung had painted naked human forms both males and females for countless times in Paris. He never had strong urge to look at them more than he had, in order to capture them on his canvas. But right at the moment he had this strong desire to look at Jungkook's all naked golden skin without the bounds of time. Was it due to an intriguing artist that was residing inside Taehyung or was it something else?

For time being he decided to put blame on the artist inside him.

"No-o my lord you did not. You did not have to come all the way here. I could've come to you instead." said younger trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well can you do something else for me Jungkook?"

"Yes my lord anything." said younger.
Elder started stepping towards younger. Younger took a step back but elder kept advancing more towards him. Younger back hit with table making him to halt from backing away further. Viscount placed his both hands on table trapping younger between table and him.
Elder lifted his hand and cupped the chin of younger. Inhaling the fragrance coming from younger's body.

Jungkook felt jolts of an unknown feeling ran through him instantly. His face was lifted and he was bound to meet elder's eyes.

"Look me in the eyes when you talk to me." said Taehyung.
"Yes my l-lord... I..."
"Are you afraid of me?" viscount asked in his deep authoritative voice.
"No-o my lord."
"Then converse with me like you do with others. I don't like it when you look away from me. I want you to look at me, give me all your attention whiIe I am talking to you."
"I-I shall do it my lord." said younger. His heart again betrayed him beating heavily inside his chest.
"You say you are not afraid but your heart is telling me otherwise. Why is that Jungkook?"
Younger could swear that everytime elder speak his name he felt week in places he could not name. He had this tingling sensation in his stomach.
"I don't know my lord... W-why is that." confessed younger.

This was truth he himself had no idea because he was never aware of this sinful possibility.
Taehyung retreated his hand from Jungkook's chin and placed it on younger's clothed chest.

Taehyung could feel the loud thuds of younger's heart on his palm "I am glad of the fact that I make it like this. Can I help you? " viscount smiled.

Younger nodded. Also, he was trying hard to pull his lower half back as much as he can to keep it from touching the elder. Because he was fully aware of the situation down there.

"Close your eyes and inhale deeply and exhale." said Taehyung.

Younger did as he was told to do. A few minutes later his heart beat was close to normal. He opened his eyes this time he was calm to look in elders eyes. He wasn't afraid anymore. Rather he was confident. It was something new found in him.

"I want you to accompany myself to London this Friday. Can you do this for me?" said elder.

This time the younger did not think about it twice as he knew he needed to be around elder.
"Yes my lord I shall."

"Be ready I shall pick you from here on Friday noon." elder said as he backed away. Leaving younger with his aching problem between his legs. He sighed and wished if someone could help him with this problem too.

Who may have sent this letter? 🤔

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