49. The Last Letter

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My Beloved,

If you are reading this, probably I am not with you anymore. Please forgive me for that I could not keep my promise. I tried hard to cater to the situation, however I am afraid that there is no escape for me.

Please do not blame yourself if something happens to me. You are innocent and as pure as white cloth. This was neither a mistake, nor it was a regret. It was love that we shared and we will keep sharing even if I am not here anymore.

That day, in Mansion, when my eyes fell on your bare face for the first time, I believed that you were a beautiful art created by God Himself. At that moment, I knew my heart was not mine anymore. It decided to be yours. At that moment, I knew I had to stay close to you to survive.

There was no other beautiful person in the room that night as you were to my eyes. I remember, how scared you were of me and I hated it. I did not want you to be scared of me. I wanted you to see me for me, not my title or rank. I wanted you to see me as a mere weak human and you did. I am thankful for that Jungkook.

After that night, I tried to show you the real me. A man named Taehyung. Your beauty might have led me to you but I fell in love with your heart. Your innocent selfless heart. The more I was around you the more I was able to see your beautiful heart. And I wished I wished hard that I would be able to secure myself a little corner of your heart.

At this point, I believe, I am successful in doing so. You love me as much as I loved you from the very first moment. Just remember me in your heart, if I am not here anymore. My soul would be at peace knowing that you remember me.

Life is unpredictable. When I lost my father, I thought I would never be the same again. My heart will not beat the same again. Then God led me to you. You were like a light to me in my dark. You were like a sun on a gloomy day. You were like a rainbow after the rain. You made my heart alive again and it wanted to live. Live for you.

Even for the shortest time that our paths have crossed, means eternity to me. Every moment that I spent with you, every moment that I loved carried an eternity in it. The eternity I would never get tired of. I was blessed to call you mine. My Jungkook.......

During this whole time, there was not a single moment that your thought was not a part of me. You were always with me. Still, it felt less. You've given me so much Jungkook and I am thankful for it. You gave me more than I deserved. But it felt less, my need grew every time. Isn't it funny how even eternity feels less with the right person?

My greatest regret would be not choosing you when I had time. I curse myself for not putting you above my responsibilities. Life gave me a chance at happiness and I could not even protect it. Now you see how incapable of a man I am?

Did I ever tell you that your eyes are beautiful? Beautiful and every time I look at them I feel lost and the irony is I want to remain lost in them forever. Your smile gives me life every time. Your smile was the reason to break the ice that surrounded my heart.

Do you remember that day? When you accompanied me to the tax collection for the first time. I could not keep my eyes from looking at you and your beautiful smile. The sound of your giggles when you were chasing kids. The shine in your eyes when you let them win purposely. I saw it all.

Even at the moment when I close my eyes, I can see you smile. I am thankful to the heavens that even for a little time I was the reason for that smile. I would do anything to see you smile again.

Do not let that smile fade, even when I will not be there. I want you to be happy Jungkook. Happy and free. Do what your heart tells you to. Become a famous artist the world has ever known. See the world. Fall in love again. Go where the way leads you. Do not dwell on me. I am not worth it. I was just a piece of your past and do not let it be a hindrance in your future. Like a closed chapter in the book of your life, turn me over. Start anew.

Forgive me once again if I ever caused you any pain and thank you once again for loving me and choosing me. I wish we could stay together for a little more.

They tell me you are my forbidden love. If I will ever be given a chance, I shall do it all over again without regret.

After a long happy life, if you still remember me, know that I shall be waiting for you on the other side.

Your hopeless lover,

Kim Taehyung.

June 6, 1825.


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