34. The Inevitable

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Taehyung was in his chambers, to take rest before the dinner in evening. He already felt dead inside coming back to this mansion. However, he was little hopeful this time, that he was not alone. He had someone. Someone who he can call his. Someone who belongs to him.

His door was knocked impatiently, revealing Sohee. Taehyung rolled his eyes. She was the last person on this planet he wanted to see right now.

"Oh my Lord, How you have been?"

"I have had better days." Taehyung replied dryly.

"I missed you to immensly my lord. Did you miss me?"

"I... Um... I was utterly busy in work there. I had no time to think about anything else."

"I can understand my lord. What you did for your people is remarkable, I must say, I am really blessed to have you as my future husband."

Taehyung scoffed, "I did not do this to impress anyone. The sole purpose was to generate enough funds to get my people out of this misery."

"Well, you had sufficient time for thinking about your people but not your future wife." Sohee taunted.

"What is your motive behind this comment? My people and Aylesford are always my priority."

"If you say so my lord. Nevertheless, I believe that there was more to it. The reason behind your travel to Paris. Did your heart belong to someone there?"

Taehyung who was busy in shuffling things in his cupboard, stopped in his moments. "Perhaps, I do not owe you any explanations."

"Fair enough, I assume that you have bid your goodbyes to who ever that witch is because soon you are going to be my husband." Sohee chuckled.

"Ignorance is a bliss indeed." Taehyung smiled without sparing a glance to Sohee.

"I guess we have nothing to talk about anymore, lady Sohee. One more thing before you go, if you are assuming that you can take that person's place whom I love then you are delusional. I told you beforehand, you made your decision despite of it. So now, learn to live with that."

Sohee did not say anything and left the room. She was fumming with anger walking down the corridor, "I will make sure to be the only one in your life." she whispered to herself.


Everyone was gathered around the dinner table. Some with motives and some with simply for the sake to eat. Lady Jeon, Sohee and Somi was among them, having a motive behind this dinner. Especially, Sohee waited for this impatiently since Taehyung left to Paris.

"So, as we decided before your departure that, engagement will be done as soon as you come back." Sohee spoke.

Jungkook thought his heartbeat stopped listening to those words. However, he kept himself calm and continued to pretend eating. Taehyung glanced towards Jungkook but the younger was not looking at him.

"Yes, mother I remember. "

"Then what date will you suggest?"

"My lord is just back from his journey. He must be tired. Let us not rush." Mr. Jeon spoke.

"We have waited enough." Lady Jeon added.

"Mother do as you wish. I shall oblige." Taehyung knew this is inevitable and there is no escape. On the other hand, Jungkook eyes were on the silver band that Taehyung and he exchanged in Paris. This gave him hope that no matter what Taehyung was his only his.

"Then, this Sunday it is. Six days later." Somi smiled.

"Is not it too soon? I mean we have to do preparations." Jimin spoke as Sohee glared at him.

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