37. Sins and Dreams

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She stepped down from the carriage, in front of church. Her heart was beating erratically. It was not something suspicious a lady of noble birth attending church. But they say, the intentions behind your actions matter the most. She was not here with the intention to pray. She was here with the intentions of something unusual, something that even God has forbidden to do, to break someone's heart.

She made her way inside the church. Gesturing her maid to wait by the entrance. Inside the hall, standing in front of the painting of Jesus, she closed her eyes to pray. She opened her eyes and inhaled deeply.

She walked towards the confessional and settled herself in penitent's booth.

"Lady Sohee, I was not expecting to see you this soon. I am assuming you are quite intelligent." voice from the other side said.

"Lord John, let us cut to the chase. What your motive could possibly be behind helping me?" Sohee questioned.

"You do not have to know, I can grantee you that the Viscount will be yours." John commented.

"Still I need to know, as a businessman you must know that the deal is not accepted until the both parties are clear on procedures and profits."

"Well, I happen to be admirer of your brother. I want him to be a partner in my business also you know in my life. So,........"

"Is not sodomy a sin as well as crime by law and religion?" she cut him halfway.

"Well heart want what it wants lady Sohee." John chuckled.

"You can have my brother for all I care. Just get him away from the Viscount."

"Fair enough." John smirked.

"Then what I have to do to get my brother out of the Viscount's life?"

"Nothing much, just spread the rumors of their involvement. I shall handle the rest."

"Are you in your right mind lord John, the rumors will taint the image of the viscount." Sohee reasoned.

"This is the only way. Once the rumors start to circulate, Jungkook will do anything to save Viscount's image. Then I shall convince him to move with me to Italy and take over my business there. In this way they both will be separated and you get to live with the Viscount in peace. "

"Do you think the viscount will let go my brother this easily, if they are lovers?"

"You still have doubt of 'if' of course they are lovers. He might not let him go, however Jungkook will leave himself to save his lover's image."

"Fair enough, then it is done. I shall start preparation to bring this plan in action."

It's been a week since engagement. At first Sohee thought that John was paranoid. This was not possible. His brother being the lover of viscount. She could never think of such thing on her own because it was simply not possible according to her beliefs and ethics. A man in love with another man, it was forbidden.

After John's hint, she assigned one of her trusted maid to have a close eye on his brother. What he does, where he goes and all. One morning she herself saw Jungkook returning to Jeon mansion at four in the morning.

Her skin crawled thinking of the kind of relation his brother has with the viscount. She witnessed bruises on Jungkook's neck and chest. She was no kid. She knew what those marks mean. On the top of that her maid confirmed Jungkook spending nights in Viscount's chamber, even the night of their engagement.

She never assumed that her brother will betray her like this. She thought Jungkook was a lost cause now, tainted and embodiment of sin. The more she gets to know about their relationship, the more she despised her brother. So she thought by doing this she would be doing a favor to her brother.

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