16. The Union

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Third Person Pov

"Will you miss this place?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course, this place was my home for five years. After my parents departed from this world, I was left alone and poverty was my decided fate. Until aunt Minhi took me here. I was scared at first. I had this impression that people with titles are proud and they treat people like me badly. However, when I came here, this image was shattered. Aunt Somi, Noona Eunhi and Jihun really loved me. Then, I was afraid when viscount came back. I tend to think he might throw me out but he was really humble. He even taught me few things aboug art. I must say young master is really talented. Not to forget, I found you here. My first and only love.

When I fell in love with you I became strong. I was not a weak boy anymore. You made me believe in myself. You know I always thought that one day you will leave me for a pretty lady. Afterall who wants to spend their life with an poor errand boy. " Seokjin smiled looking at Namjoon. They both were sitting under the huge oak tree. Spending their last day in Aylesford as they have to leave on first light.

Namjoon took Seokjin hand in his own,"I am sorry that I am stripping you away from your home."

"No, I shall thank you for loving me, for choosing me. You could have any lady. Afterall you are one of top desired becholars. I am so honored that you chose me. You know hyung, when I am with you I am at comfort. I feel safe even if we have to live under open sky with you." he traced elders knuckles with his own hand.

" I promise you Seokjin, I shall keep you safe and happy until my last breath. You shall not suffer anything anymore. I have given my heart to you and from tonight's ownward only you will own my body and soul too." Namjoon smiled.

"Then you shall be my husband?" A pink hue spread across younger's cheek.

"Yes my love."


Taehyung was taking a walk in his gardens with Sohee. Jeons were also here because Somi invited them for lunch. Eunha was in attendance too along with her twins. Although he had company with him, Sohee was rambling something about her dream wedding dress. Which kinds of silks she wished to use and what jewels she wanted preferred to wear. Anyhow, Taehyung could not help but look at Jungkook time to time. Who was busy in teaching Eunha's twins how to make flower crowns.

One of them was sitting in his lap on grass and other one was lingering on his shoulder trying to peak from his shoulders. Taehyung could not help but to smile at Jungkook. A part of him felt relieved witnessing Jungkook being so good with children.

"My Lord why are you smiling? Did I say something embarrassing?" asked Sohee.

Taehyung was caught off guard, "No I was impressed by you idea of using chinese pearls in jewelry."

"Oh, alright." Sohee said.

"Let us join them." Taehyung gestured towards Jungkook and kids.

"My lord, I do not feel comfortable around kids. But if you wish then I can." she smiled bitterly.

"Why is that? Jungkook seems you love kids you do not?"

"I do not know my lord. He always makes a mess of himself while playing with kids. You are well aware of his church activities. He should have been born as a woman, so this trait of his could suit him best." Sohee scoffed.

"Liking and playing with children do not make him any less of a man." Taehyung said.

"I am having the impression that my brother has become very close to you, my lord." she felt jealous when Taehyung took side of Jungkook.

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