11. Bitter Truth

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Third Person Pov

"All of this happened and you did not tell me? Why?" asked Jimin sitting across the table from Jungkook.

Jungkook told him everything that happened from the first day between him and viscount till this day.

"I was scared. I did not know what was happening to me. I was scared how you will think of me." he sniffled.

"You know me Jungkook. I was and will always be by your side no matter what. There is nothing wrong if you take liking in men. It is not something new. It is happening since the dawn of mankind. It is not something you can control."

"You-you do not feel disgusted of me?" Jungkook was scared that his friend will disown him. Nevertheless he really needed to talk to someone. Someone who can also help him with this situation and clearly Jimin had vast range of expertise in this matter.

"No my dear friend. Why would I? It's your body and your heart. However I am bit concerned about the man your heart chose."

"I do not love him. It is just my body feels intimidated when he is around." said Jungkook.

"Is that so? Then why you let him touch you? When that place was crawling with men. You could have had anyone."

"I do not know Jimin."

"Well you see, the thing is clear as day. You trust him. You trust him enough to hand over your body to him. How did you feel when he did not stepped further than only helping you?"

"I was relieved but at the same time a bit disappointed." Jungkook looked outside the window.

"See? You want more from him. Do you remember last year when my mother held the ball?"

"Yes, What about it?"

"Do you recall how Lord John Mcbeth was looking at you and touching you more than it was needed.?"

"Yes, why you are......? Wait was...he......"

"Yes, he was interested in you in that way. That's why I dragged you outside with me. He was piercing your body with his eyes whole evening."

"Why did not you tell me?"

"Because you would have told me that I am crazy. It is something you discover on your own Jungkook. But the question is did you feel same back then too?"

"No, it felt weird to me. I was uneasy."

"And with Viscount?"

"It does feel weird but good kind of weird. Like I trust him.... Trust him that he would keep me safe. You know when I look at him something inside me....." its when Jungkook put a hand on his mouth and realized what he was talking. How he was smiling.

Jimin laughed loudly at his friend's silliness. "Okay, Now we do know that what you feel. However, the thing that scares me is, he is not an ordinary man like us. He is a Viscount and a sole heir to Aylesford. You know what it means right? He have to get married to provide an heir. It is his duty. From what you have told me I am guessing he is also inclined towards you. The truth is he can not be yours fully. Not in this life time.

You are just twenty-one, you can delay your marriage as long as you want. Also, you are not under pressure to give an heir. But he is.

He can not leave everything and run with you. He might love you back but you can not be only one in his life. Are you ready to share him? And of all people, with your sister? You clearly know what happens to people who practice sodomy openly? I do not want to scare you. I am just telling you. If you have fallen in love with a ordinary man you would be free. You would be his priority. Now the question is are you ready to share, to be second option, to be someone's hidden lover? Can you stand it?"

Viscount's Forbidden Love | Taekook ✅Where stories live. Discover now