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After partying with your friends you got home expecting your father to be waiting for you ready to question you about why you are coming home at 3 am but it wasn't him. It was your younger brother "Where were you Y/n?" He asks and stands up while you go to him and just pass by him heading to your room. "Jungwon I was celebrating my birthday."

He crosses his arms "It's not even your birthday yet it's tomorrow well today." You smile "What's wrong Jungwon?" He sits on your bed and you sit beside him while hugging him. "I miss mom I don't like her and her daughter." Your mom passed away after Jungwon was born. He is now 17 while you were going to turn 24. When she passed away it affected you quite a lot but you always hid your emotions and after all she made you promise that you wouldn't cry from now on and that you'd be happy. It used to be just you three Yang Yong-san your father, Yang Y/n, and Yang Jungwon until eventually after you graduated high school your father met her.

Before anything, at the time you were the oldest, and he asked you if it was okay for him to move on you saw no use in saying no. Your dad always took care of you two to this day he still takes care of you as if you were babies. You said it was fine knowing he wouldn't neglect you or Jungwon. He introduced you to her and her daughter. Her name was Kang In-Jae and her daughter Kang Yejin who was the same age as you at first it was all of being nice until it wasn't. Despite you and Jungwon not liking them for the sake of your father you two put on masks to get along with them.

You worked as a secretary at one of the finest companies in the city known as Kim S Corp. Which focused on providing the best quality of technology for everyone to thrive. You've been working there for about a year or two. Your father was proud of you and his focus was now on Jungwon making sure to be there for him until he has a job.

"Anyways happy birthday! Y/n do you want a spoiler?" He says making you curious "Sure" he claps "Dad bought you something you'll love." You make a thinking gesture and gasp "No way!" He nods smiling "It is what you're thinking" you stand up "Okay now you go to sleep Jungwon it's late." He leaves and you change into your pajamas but hear talking making you walk out of your room. "You're such a nosey..." Jungwon stops talking and you interrupt them. "What's happening?"

"I'm going to tell dad that you two are sleeping late. You see Y/n you're a bad influence on Jungwon he should be asleep but he's awake late at night." You simply send Jungwon to his room which he goes without arguing. "Yejin aren't you a little too old to be pulling these things my dad already knows so what's the point in snitching get a life instead of focusing on trying to separate us. Find a job you're old enough to work now. Let me keep reminding you my dad is not your dad don't act entitled because you are not and will never be a Yang as much as you want to be. Remind your mom that you won't inherit anything as much as you try."

She got mad and starts talking in the sake of trying to embarrass you. "You weren't partying you were busy fucking your friend not even friend your fucking one-night stand." You smile "What's wrong with it does that make you mad? Why do you care what I do? Don't tell me you're going to snitch? If you want to go ahead my dad already knows. Just know you may have gotten him back in college but with this one, you'll never be able to touch him." You smile to be polite and say good night while leaving not letting her finish.

You lay on your bed exhausted in a bad mood. Yejin was at first nice you two got along until that upset her mother she wanted Yejin to be the favorite and she started telling her things to hate you. In college, you were going out with this one guy whose name you forgot now that he's irrelevant in your life. He cheated on you with her and to this day they are together.

You found them in his place on his bed they were naked in each other arms you simply stood there and dropped the food you made making them wake up alarmed. "Y/n wait I can explain." You smile "No need to I don't care! Wish you two the best." You said in a calming voice and left you didn't shed a tear that day. The whole thing became the main subject in college what surprised you was she was actually going out with someone too but she wanted to take what was yours which made her forget him. You didn't know who he was all you knew was that he was apparently smart and kind which made you feel bad for him. At one point you wanted to meet him so you two would get revenge on them but you never looked for him.

Your phone beeps and you look at the message "Did I get you in trouble?" You type back then go to sleep. During college, you did a few part-time jobs to buy yourself things that's why all the things you had was out of your hard work so you wouldn't be asking your dad for things. Now you'd buy him and Jungwon things they wanted instead. Sometimes you'd buy things for your stepmother and step-sister they'd say they don't like but in the end, they be using it until it rips. Your days back then were busy but on the weekends you went to parties to distract yourself your dad allowed you he was never strict about it but always told you to be alert. Luckily you took boxing lessons when you were younger and were always prepared. Majority of the time you'd always be in a group. Your friends may have seemed like they were irresponsible but they weren't they were always looking out for each other at all times which you loved.

Things escalated and you started having one night stands every now and then to release stress or to plainly satisfy your needs until there was one in particular that made you absolutely miserable. You were always of an I'm an independent woman and don't need anyone. You live up to that but that man changed your whole views on that. You wanted that man for yourself. After that passionate first night you thought you'd never see him again but he as well couldn't stop thinking about you so he'd always go to the club to find you and from there, your bond blossomed you two became friends. Slowly you both started seeing fewer people and only went to each other.

What you both had in common was you two were very ambitious people and loved the no-strings attached you two agreed on. He had the most beautiful tattoos you'd ever seen. He was a year older than you which counting you've known each other for about two years now. His name was Jeon Jungkook.

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