She saved your life

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TW – thoughts of suicide, attempt at suicide

Damn. He called you. You were happy. Until he said that he couldn't make it again. To your date. The date for your birthday. He is George, your boyfriend. You were together for one year now. Since you joined the Wednesday Cast he has no time for you. You're on of the youngest, only Isaac and Moosa are younger than you. You just turned 18. You immediately made friends, especially with Emma and Jenna. You wanted to hang out with them tonight but now you're not in the mood. You call Emma. "Sry, can't come tonight" you say. ''What? Why not?" Emma asked. "No big reason, I just wanna be alone" you hang up start to cry. It's not only that George can't come again. You see his Insta Posts and in almost every picture there's a girl. Not you ofc. He always tell you that it's his cousin or his bro's girlfriend. And there's so much more. You break down in tears and see only the bad things in your life. Then you make a decision. 'Good, that my trailer's near the bridge' you think while running outside.

One last breathe, you close your eyes and... "Y/n! Stop! Don't jump!" you hear someone shout. Then you feel arms around your chest, pulling you back. You land hurtfully on the ground, see Emma right above you and feel Jennas head on your chest. "What the fuck are you doing y/n?!" you hear Jennas upset and tearful voice. "Y/n what happened? You know you can talk with us about everything!" Emma says worried, "Please don't kill yourself. We're always there for you, y/n. No matter what happens. But please talk to us and don't jump from off a bridge!" You're quit, don't know what to say. Jenna looks at you with glossy eyes. "Please tell us what happened!" "G- g-george is –" you whisper. "Oh my gosh what did this asshole do now?" Jenna says angrily. Time skip. You told them everything. Jenna is freaking out. She calls him a cheating asshole, a damn bitch and much more. "Y/n don't you see what he's doing with you?" Emma asks. "If I was you, I would've broken up long ago" 'Ì know, but –" "No but!" Jenna says. "he's all I have, no, well, I have you, but you are my friends. He's the one who kissed me the first time and he –" ''He fucked you, even you didn't want to. That's what you've told us." Jenna interrupts you bitter. "Yea" you look down on the floor. Emma tried again. "But y/n, don't you think you could find someone else? There're so much people in the world and you deserve someone better than this asshole, he's not good for you!" Time Skip. It's now two month after you broke up. You feel alive again do very much with the girls. You swear yourself that you'll never fall in love again, but you know that it happened. You don't know how it happened, you just know that it happened. And you're glad, it's this person. You fell for chocolate eyes, you fell in love with you best friend, Jenna. You wrote a letter but never gave it to her. "Y/n wait!" you hear Jenna saying out of breath. You turn around and see the letter in her hand. Fuck! "Y/N... is this true?" She looks into your eyes, staring right into your soul. You nod. She wraps her arm around your neck. You need no more words. When your lips are finally touching hers, a firework explodes in you. It's a kiss full of love. "Y/n..." Jenna sighs. "I fell for you when I saw you the first time. I've been waiting for this moment... I love you" "I love you too Jenna, but I'm scared" "Y/n I promise, I will never treat you like this George-Asshole, because I really love you more than anything else. I swear I'll make you feel loved!" Jenna kisses you again. When you're stopping for taking a breathe, you look into her eyes see a sparkle in them. She smiles, grabs your hand and you're going with her to the trailers. "Would you like to sleep at mine tonight?" she asks. "I'd love to!"

When you're finally lying in bed next to each other. Jenna hugs you and lays her head down on your chest. You stroke her hair softly and soon you hear her breathing slower. With the wonderful feeling of being loved and having the best girlfriend you could've find, you fall asleep.

How do you like it? I hope, it's ok, it's my first story.

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