Dance with Tyler (requested)

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Requested by Waterbclean86

TW: Little makeout


„You don't understand y/n! I HAVE TO dance with him!" Wednesday shouted.

You were talking about the rave'n, Wednesday's going with Tyler. He asked her and of course she said yes, even you are her girlfriend. Secret girlfriend, nobody knows it.

"I thought... you were going with me, BECAUSE I AM YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!" you got loud. "Y/n, you know I love you. I have to go with Tyler because of the investigation. I assure you, there's nothing between. I love you and only you!" she said as she kissed you.

You felt a teardrop slip out of your eye. 'I thought she was going with me and we finally could tell everybody" you thought. Wednesday looked up to you and you could see her eyes becoming glossy, too. (Yes, Wednesday cries in front of you!)

"Y/n, baby, I never meant to make you cry. You know, when you cry, I have to cry too. And it's not like I WANT to go with Tyler. I have to. You know, because of the monster, the investigation..." she hugged you tight, comforting you. You nodded and hugged back.

Timeskip: The Rave'n.

You watched Wednesday with Tyler coming in. Tyler, this little asshole. You never liked him. He seems so fake.

You saw that Wednesday has started to dance. A very weird dance. You smiled a little bit, but it dropped out of your face seconds later. You remembered that she's not dancing for you, with you. She's dancing for and with Tyler. You felt jealousy rising in you.

"Hi, you're y/n, right?" you heard a voice and turned around. A girl was standing right in front of you. "Yes, I am. Why are you asking?" you asked. "I'm Alice. You seem so alone. Wanna dance?" she said "Yes, of course" you answered, you got on the dance floor together and started dancing.

You made sure that Wednesday could see you. Alice held your hand while dancing and then a slow dance music started to play. Alice looked at you. You nodded and pulled her closer. Her head was leaning on your chest, you danced slowly.

You saw, that Wednesday was looking over to you. Her gaze changed when she saw you two dancing together. You could see that she was getting really jealous. She came over to you and slapped Alice right in her face.

"Don't you dare to dance with MY GIRL! Let go of her, she's mine! You're not allowed to do what you're doing right now!" Wednesday yelled at her. "But..." Alice said. "LEAVE!" "She... said...." "NOW!!!!!!". Alice left as fast as she could. Everyone was looking at you and Wednesday.

"Why are you doing this to me y/n?" Wednesday asked. "I was jealous and she asked me friendly to dance" you answered her. "It meant nothing?" "No, it was just a dance" you said. "Good! Gosh, I'm so relieved!" she said, then she kissed you. She kissed you in front of the whole school. Wednesday took your hand and pulled you with her.

"Come on, let's leave. We don't have to be at this stupid dance" You arrived at your room. "Weds, what are we doing here?" you asked confused. "We left this goddamn dance and now we're enjoying the time alone!" she kissed you. You felt her tongue slip into your mouth and kissed her back.

"Touch me" Wednesday whispered against your lips. You hands opened her dress and she quickly removed it. You opened her bra and it fell down on the floor. Your hands were stroking her back softly.

She pressed her naked body against yours and tried to remove your dress too but failed. You let out a little giggle, she sent you a death glare and you quickly removed you dress by yourself. Wednesday pushed you down on you bed and led on top of you.

You kissed passionate and touched every inch of each others body. It's the first time, for both of you. You kissed Wednesdays neck, searching for her soft spot. Once you found it, you started sucking and left a big hickey. Wednesday moaned silently against your shoulder. You held each other tight, kissing and touching the other girl.

You felt Wednesdays hand were getting slower and her head heavier. Then you heard her breathing has gone slower. You smiled. Wednesday really fell asleep. You got the bed cover over her naked body and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, babygirl. My babygirl"


Sry, this is my first chapter with some makeout, it may be very very bad. Thanks to  waterbclean86

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