Wildest Dreams Part 2

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Jenna sat down next to you "I ... saw it. Your song. It was amazing ... it really made me remembering all these times. Today, 2 years ago, we called the last time, do you remember?" What? She knows that? You nod. "Am I ... allowed to comfort you and ... hug you?" she asks "Yeah..." you sob.

As she hugs you, like in old times, your heart gets heavier and your eyes are filled with tears again. It's very hard to keep them in, and Jenna notices it. "Let it out y/n, I'm here... Everything's good..." she tries to calm you down, but it doesn't work.

"Do you ... remember the ... last day?" you ask her under tears. She looks in your eyes and you see her eyes becoming glossy "Yes. I do. I remember"


"Y/n, I don't wanna go!" "Jenna, I don't want you to go!" Jenna cries in your arms. You're holding her tightly, don't want to let her go.

She hugs you so tight that you can hardly breathe, but you don't care about that. Your girl leaves you, even if she doesn't want to. "Girls! Jenna come on now! Our plane's about to start! We have to rush to get into it!" Jennas mom calls for her. Tears are running down your and Jennas cheeks when you share a last kiss. It's the most passionate you've ever shared, the best and the saddest kiss at the same time.

You watch her leave and when you can't see her anymore you break down in tears, want your girl, Jenna, here next to you and tell, that everything was just a joke. Then you would play a little offended, but not long because she would make sad puppy face and you'd forgive her. Everything would be ok and you and Jenna would kiss and cuddle.

But it would never happen.

Flashback ends

"Y/n, you have to know something... I never forgot about that day. I think about it every single day. And everytime I think about it, I think about you and about us. I miss you. And ... the song ... it was about our first kiss, right?" Jenna asks.

"Yeah, exactly... why are you doing this, Jenna?" "Doing what?" "Being here for me, find me after a concert I did for you, comfort me..." "Because I loved you. No, I love you. Still. I never stopped it. In all these 3 years, I had no else relationship"

"Really? How is his possible? I'm sure there are so many boys and girls who'd love to call you their girlfriend!" "I know y/n. There were so many people who confessed their feelings for me... and a few of them were really nice and cute and I really liked a few..." she says "Then ... why are you still single?" "I already told you"

"Really? When?" you ask. "When you asked me, why I'm here. Because I still love you y/n. I can't be in a relationship with someone when I still love my ex. And ... we never broke up officially." "You're so unbelievable, Jenna!" you say laughing "In a good or bad way?" "Well, it's your part to find out"

"Y/n..." Jenna says seriously "I'd really like to be with you again. Is there any chance?" "Yeah, it is, but we have to start at zero again" you answer "That means we have to date like first and second date?" "Yeah, exactly" "Love it! Tomorrow?" Jenna asks "Why not? I'll pick you up. Your address?"

After you got Jennas address, you got back to your bandmates. With a smile. Of course they wanted to know why, but you you didn't say a word. And you've got an idea with a song for her (AGAIN!).

Time skip: you pick her up

"Hi, how are you?" Jenna asks as she gets into your car. "Good"

Then you turn on the radio (already prepared with the karaoke version of Blank Space) and sing along "Nice to meet you/where you've been/ I could show you incredible things..."

"Shut up y/n!" Jenna says laughing "Why, don't like it?" "I love it, but I didn't thought we're starting at THIS zero" "Ok, but it was funny?" "Yes, of course it was! You're always funny!" she says "Don't flatter me like this!" you blush.

Jenna laughs and kisses your cheek gently. "Jenna!" "What?" she asks confused "I thought we're starting at zero" you remember her. "Damn! I don't want to! We already where at 100 three years ago and now zero?" she says sadly. "Hm ... how about 50?"

You can see a sparkle in her eyes as she remembers what 50 was. Then she softly puts your chin down (cuz you're taller than her) and kisses you. It's like your first kiss five years ago. Both of you close your eyes, enjoying the moment of now and flashback mixed.

Soon the kiss gets passionate like the last kiss at the airport three years ago.

When you pull away to take a breath, Jenna smiles to you and sighs "Finally!" "Finally what?" you ask confused "Finally I can kiss you again!" And she kisses you again. And again and again.

A/N: I really don't know if there is a zero and hundred and fifty in relationships, cuz I never had one.  I just thought up this thing, if they are really, please tell me guys, cuz I don't know what they mean..

I know, the picture is from Vada, but Vada is Jenna too, so...

I love you, babyyy (JennaOrtegaXFemReader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now