Hi, I like you!

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„Y/n... y/n? Y/n!!!" you heard your best friends voice. "Shut up Julie, what's wrong?" "You stare at Katie and don't even blink! What's wrong with YOU?" "C'mon bestie, I was thinking! Why looks she so sad? What d'you think why isn't Layla with her?" you said. "I don't know, ask her" she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

And you walked over to Katie. "Hi Katie. How are you?" you asked.

"Oh, hi y/n! Fine, thanks. What 'bout you?" "Yeah, fine. Uhm, I wanted to ask you why Layla isn't with you. You guys are always together..."

"We had a little ... uhm... argument and I realized she isn't good for me. Well, looks like I lost a friend, but I'm not really sad because I lost a friend, more because I'm alone now, u know?" Katie answered. "Oh, ok. I always thought she's not the right friend for you"

Katie looked surprised "You thought about who's good for me?" "Yeah, might seem crazy but... no matter, wanna hang with us?" you asked her.

"You and Julie?" "Yeah" "Sure, if it's ok for you..." Katie said. "If it wasn't ok for me I wouldn't ask you to hang out. And if Julie don't want then ... doesn't matter cuz she won't" you laughed. Katie followed you to your cafeteria table and sat down next to you.

Julie looked at you and her face said 'OHH I KNEW IT YOU LOVE HER LMAO' "Shut the fuck up, Julie!" you said. Katie looked confused "She didn't say anything, did she?" "She said something with her face. Something she better haven't said!"

Timeskip: 2 month later. "Katie, you fine?" you ask your best friend aka crush. "Mhm, yes" "Really Katie?" "Yes"

"Ok, I'm gonna go, buy me a toxic snake and wrap her around my neck." "Do this" "Katie! You don't listen to me! What are you thinking about?" you say a little angry.

"Oh, nothing ... well ... maybe .. about my ... my crush?" she answers. "Oh ... who is he?" you ask, tears in your eyes cuz you like her. "He? No, it's a girl, but I don't wanna say names"

Timeskip: you met after she has been sick for 3 weeks. "Y/NNNNN!!!" "Katie! You ok again?" No answer, Katie jumps basically in your arms and buries her face in your neck. You feel tears. "Katie? What's wrong? I thought you were ok again?" you ask softly. "It's just ... I just ... I'm so happy to see you again, I missed you so much!" she sobs

"Katie, I'm here now. Hi!" "Y/n. Hi I like you" "Yeah, I hope so" "What?" "I hope you like me Katie cuz we're best friends!" "Ok, lemme say it again!" "Ok... Katie, what's goin' on?" "Y/n. Hi, I love you!" You jaw drops "Like ... like a girlfriend" she confesses.

You bite your lower lip. Could you kiss her without asking? Yep, you can! Your lips merge with each others, they fit so perfect together. You're already addicted to Katies kisses.

"I love you" "I love you too"


sorry for this short imagine with katie, i wrote it when i started writes, it was my first story, lmao so yeah, I am sure it's not the best i've ever wrote, but, I wrote it so...

I love you, babyyy (JennaOrtegaXFemReader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now