we used to call us the ffs

605 18 74

most important TW: PERCY

other TW: rape, slight violence, self harm

(btw sorry for the BAD title, if u have better ideas PLEASE tell me!)


You're at a club right now, dancing around with your friends, when you see a familiar face in the crowd. It's Jenna, an old friend of yours. You used to be best friends but somehow you fell out of touch, you don't really know why. And you used to call yourself the FFs the "Fruity Friends" cause your both gay.

Her face turns around and she looks into your eyes, recognizing you almost immediately. Jenna makes her way through  the crowd, dancing. You two meet halfway. When you're standing in front of each other, her expression changes. From happy to afraid. "Can you please help me y/n?" she asks right away.

"Sure, what's wrong?" you ask back. She looks over her shoulder, searching for someone, putting a smile on for them. "I'm here with my boyfriend" she says, louder than she needed to say it.

You see a guy, hella ugly, with long hair, making his way away from you. "He's not my boyfriend" Jenna says silent, still dancing and with a pressured smile in her face. "He forces me to do things I don't want to -It was soooo nice to see you again y/n!" she quickly says, changing her tone.

You look around and see that ugly guy from before again. "We haven't seen each other for soooooooo long" she adds. Then she puts on a fake smile again. "y/n, this is Percy, my boyfriend." She says the word boyfriend slowly.

"Percy, this is y/n, an old friend of mine, we used to call us the FFs" "Nice - to - meet - you" Percy spits out "What does FF mean?" he asks Jenna "Forever Friends" you say quickly.

He sends you a disgusted glare and pulls Jenna away from you, into a side hug. "We have to go, baby" he says. She smiles at him and nods. "Goodbye y/n, I hope to see you again" she says, smiling with her lips, but her eyes are afraid. "Please" she mouths, before Percy turns her around and they walk out of the club.

You stay there for a second, having Jennas eyes in your mind, then you quickly decide to follow them.

Timeskip: half an hour later

You've been following them for like half an hour. Now you've arrived at a hotel. You don't know why, but they take the stairs, so it's easy for you to follow them to the room. They walk into an apartment in the hotel, but you stay outside the door, listening.

You hear Percy talking. "What the fuck was this Jenna? You aren't allowed to talk to anybody!" "Bu-but she's an old friend, I-I thought th-that this wa-was okay" Jennas voice shakes. "You have to ask me before!" Percy shouts and you hear how he slaps her. A supressed scream if Jenna can be heard. "You'll get punished for this!" Percy says angry.

"No, please, not again!" Jenna begs. "You should've thought about that before you talked to this girl" he sounds disgusted "and you have absolutely NOTHING to say here!" Your anger overflows your body, slowly, but surely. A slap again. Jennas whimpers fill your ears. You hear something light falling onto the ground. Clothes.

"Spread your legs" Percy commands. "No" Jenna whispers. Then an "Ahhhh!" "Come on, I know you like it when I fuck you, you whore!" Percy moans.

You've heard enough. With a start-up, you jump against the door and -you didn't think so- the door swings open. What you see is an afraid Jenna on the bed -naked- and a naked Percy over her. You've never seen something more disgusting than the naked Percy.

His dick is hard and he is half in her, and he's playing with Jennas breasts. Jennas head flows in your direction and her eyes represent a mixture of fear and kind of relieve. Before Percy could realize, what's happening, you push him away from her and hit him between the legs. It's a disgusting feeling, because he is naked, but you'd do anything your (used to be) best friend.

I love you, babyyy (JennaOrtegaXFemReader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now