You're my home

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A/N: This was actually the second story I've ever wrote, I just didn't type it in the computer and publish it. Also this has a Part 2 (but it's no cliffhanger, just an addition)

TW: none


Jenna was visiting you at your home in London, but soon she has to fly back. Y'all are very sad, but enjoyed the last day very very much. Almost every female Person in your family (mom, grandma, sister, aunt, cousin,...), Jenna and you were going to a brine room, to calm down and all these stuff, but mostly to have a great last day together.

"Baby?" you hear Jenna whisper. "Yeah?" you ask silently back. "It's dark here, nobody can see us.... can I kiss you?" she whispers, you almost can't hear her. She makes sure that nobody hears, because nobody knows about you and Jenna. They all think you're very best friends. But it's dark now. "Of course" you say and kiss her. You've kissed so often in the dark, e.g. in the night or at the movie theatre, but this feels other.

Jenna pushes you away. "I said, I want to kiss you, not you should kiss me!" she says into your ear. Then she pecks your lips, kisses your whole face. You just lay next to he, waiting for the kiss, the best kiss. Jenna wraps her arms around your neck, holding your head. And finally she kisses you. A sweet, warm kiss. You never want to get out of this. Right as you think this, you feel her tongue softly making her way into you and the sweet kiss turns into a warm frenchkiss.

"Jen, we're not in bed..." you mumble ashamed against her lips "I don't care. It's my last day here and I really need to do this. Is this okay for you?" Jenna says softly. "Yes, of course" and you kiss her again.

Suddenly the light goes on again, and you pushed each other away, both tomatoheaded (A/N: is this a word? or did i just invent one?)"Fuck!" you whisper "I hope nobody has seen us"

Timeskip: at the airport

You both are standing crying at the airport, holding each other, don't want to let the other one go. "Y/n, I wish you could come with me!" Jenna says sadly. "Well...." you sniff "Why not?" "Whaat, Y/n, you can't do that! London is your home, here's your family. You don't have to do this!" You sigh. "Jen, baby, listen: Not London is my home. My home is everywhere, there's just one thing: you have to be there. Whereever you are, there is my home. YOU are my home!" you say, looking right into Jennas wide-opened eyes.

"Y-You mean that for real?" she asks, unsure if she can believe you or not. "Yes, of course I meant it for real!" Jenna smiles at you and you can see a sparkle in her eyes as she leans in and gives you a soft kiss on the lips.

"I KNEW IT!" you got interrupted by your aunts voice. "Shit" Jenna mumbles under her breath. "What do you mean Auntie?" you ask afraid. "That you're in love! I saw you kissing and now I'm sure! I mean, I knew it before, but I wasn't completely  sure. But don't worry, your secret is save by me" she smiles. "W-what do you mean 'you knew it before'? what do you mean with that?" you are shocked. Was it obvious?

"Listen, I may or may not have some experience with lesbian love-"

"PLEASE WHAT" you interrupt her. She shushes you. "Anyways, I do know how people who are in love with each other look at each other, talk to and act in front of each other. I just wasn't sure in your case, because you never said something like you're bisexual or lesbian, and you've had a few boyfriends in the past..." you nod slowly "Ok...." "And, don't forget: I won't say anything, so don't worry"

Timeskip: you're at Jennas home in LA

"WOW. That's your apartment? I mean, what the fuck? This is amazing!" you say amazed, mouth wide opened and looking around with big eyes. "Yeah, it's nice, but my parents are my neighbours, they say I can have my own apartment, but my really own, away from them, not now, cause I'm not allowed to live alone far away from them. You understand?" Jenna explains.

"Yeah.... so that's where we're going to live?" you ask, still mesmerized by the size and looking from the apartment. "Uhm..." "Hm?" "I thought... uhm... maybe we... uhm... when you live here, then I don't live alone and I ... I thought that we.... doyoumaybewannalookforanapartmentwithme?" "Please, what?" you understood nothing of the last part. "Do you maybe wanna look for an apartment with me" Jenna explains, looking at the ground and fidgeting with her fingers.

"OH.MY.GOD!" "Oh... I'm sorry, it was just a suggestion..." Jenna says, thinking that you don't thinnk it's a good idea. "NOOOOO! babe, of course we can look!" you say laughing. Deep in your head you had an idea for a really big surprise.

Timeskip: the first apartment

"What the fuck? It's amazing!" you are astonished. "Yeah, that's a really nice one! Let's look around" While Jenna is talking to the salesman, not looking at you, you quickly pull out a mistle toe. You're really glad, that you remembered what Jenna said once to you: If anyone proposes to me, it should be under a mistletoe. That's what I wish for. You are a couple for 3 years now, and you really love each other, so you think it's maybe the right time. You get a box out of your pocket and get down on one knee, practicing what you want to say.

You're a bit -well, maybe more than a bit- nervous. Then Jenna turns around to you and gasps. She covers her mouth with her hand, her eyes beginning to look glossy. Looking at her in front of you, you immediatly forget what you wanted to say. But then, when you put your hand in the air, holding the mistle toe over  you two, you know what to say, not what you practiced, improvised, but much better.

"Jenna Marie Ortega. I have to tell you something I guess. We've been together for more than 3 years now, and I love you still as much as I did when we came together. I remember almost every kiss we shared, our first kiss was just perfect. You are the love of my live, and the most perfect human that exists. You always make me laugh when I'm sad, and when I cry, you comfort me. As I told you, you are my home. There's no place in the world that feels better than the place around you, there's no place in the world where I fit as perfect as here, around you. You always make me feeling loved, even when I have a VERY bad day. I would travel around the world, just to be with you, because I love you. You, and only you, make the best out of me. I want to have this me for the rest of my life, and this me is just with you, I want to be around you for the rest of my life, I want to have you for the rest of my life, I want to call you mine for the rest of my life. So, will you make me the happiest woman on earth and marry me, Jenna?"

You see Jenna biting her lower lip, trying to hold back her tears, but it doesn't work anymore. The tears are slipping out of her eyes, rushing down her cheeks, over her trembling lips. She looks you in the eyes "Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Y/n L/n"

With this words, she jumps into your arms and pulls you into a wild, lovely kiss. "Hey hey, calm down, we have the rest of our lives for this!" you giggle, softly brushing her hair out of her face and give her a tender kiss.

"Now, let's buy this apartment and live! And, by the way, I love you Jenna. My girlfriend, my fiancée, my future wife, maybe mother of my kids-" "MAYBE? What the fuck is wrong with you y/n?????? Of course I am! And I love you too, my beautiful girl, future mother of my kids, and yea, future wife"

A/N: There's gonna be a part 2, with the wedding and this, if you want or not

Like I said, this is the second story I've ever wrote and it's NOT proveread, so if there's any mistake, don't idk what

u liked it?

I also updated the emma imagines book


I love you, babyyy (JennaOrtegaXFemReader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now