The hickey

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TW: makeout


„Gosh, Jenna!" you whisper, holding back a moan.

Jenna's kissing your neck, leaves some light hickeys on it 'til she finds the soft spot and begins to suck strong. Proud of her work, she continues kissing your body, starting at the face. Your hair's already a mess, Jennas too. She kisses down your chest, your belly, then she reaches your thigh, starts over the knee and goes up until she's near your valley. She goes a little bit back, then up, leaves soft kisses everywhere, making you moan slightly. Before she reaches your valley you stop her. Jenna looks confused and disappointed.

"Why?" she asks silently "Did I make you uncomfortable?" "No, you didn't. Just... my parents are in the room next to us, what if hey hear us?" you whisper back. She nods "You're right". With this words, she lays up next to you, resting her head on your naked chest.

Her hands are running through your hair as her head lifts up. "Y/n ... you said no sex today. But, can I lay on you?" You smile about the question. "Sure"

Her naked body on yours feels so good, she kisses you and the kiss gets passionate very fast. Her tongue slips into your mouth, fighting against yours and you fully enjoy the moment.

Time skip: morning

"Y/n, why is the right side of your neck covered?" your dad asks. "It's cold" you mumble "What?" "IT'S COLD!" "Ah, and the other side?" "Isn't" The hood of your morning-hoodie is over your head and you're pressing your hand against the right side of your neck, there's the big, purple-red hickey, Jenna left yesterday. Jenna giggles and your head turns red like a tomato from embarrassment.

After breakfast, you quickly stand up "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" you say while leaving the room.

You just changed your clothes as your mom walks in. Your hand flows to your neck, trying to cover the hickey, but your mom saw it. "Is this a hickey?" she asks shocked. "No mom" you say sarcastically. "Y/n, did you sneak out yesterday?" "WHAT?" you're completely confused. Why would you sneak out? "Because in your room were just you and Jenna .... OHHH" her jaw drops as she figures out.

"The hickey's from Jenna?" she asks. You look down. "Yeah... it is" you confess embarrassed.

"So, you have a hickey, can I see it?" your dad asks. You don't understand why, but if it makes him happy... "Good work!" he says and turns to Jenna "Really good work" Both of you blush hard and don't know where to look.

So you caught yourself staring at each others bobs. Your parents look at you and Jenna amused and again, your heads turn into tomato colour.

Time skip: afternoon

"My parents are out now, wanna continue what we started yesterday?" you ask your girlfriend and she nods "For sure!"

You found yourself curled up in bed, breathing heavily. "That was good" Jenna gasps for air. You nod, not able to speak yet. Jenna looks at you "Wanna do round two?" she teases you and smiles.

This round is much wilder and both of you forget the time. Until the door is being opened and you hear a scream and the door closing quickly.

"I'm so sorry" your mom says from outside. It takes you a moment to realize what just happened. Your mom walked in on you two having sex.

"Embarrassing" you whisper and can't help but laugh. Jenna and you quickly take on clothes and a few moments later it knocks on the door.

"Come in" you shout nervously. Your parents step in. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't know that you two ..." "Shut up mom, we know!" you interrupt her. "Well, for you it's embarrassing, but we are kinda relieved that you're dating a girl!" your dad blurts out. You're very astonished. "Really? Why?" you want to know.

"So you can never be pregnant because of silliness or forgotten protection" your dad says and your mom adds "and your dad doesn't have to be jealous because of a guy and knows that he will always be the most important man in your life!"

You all laugh, except of your dad, who's standing there awkwardly. You get up and give him a hug "Don't worry dad, that's normal!"

When you sit down on your bed again, Jenna wraps her arms around you and whispers in your ear "Your parents are really cool. Finally I know from where you have it babe" You blush when you hear this. Jenna laughs and kisses your cheek before turning around to your parents again

"I just want to be sure you know, that I love your daughter more than everything. Just for the case, you'll ever doubt on me being the woman y/n loves" You smirk. "I love you too Jenna"

A/N: It's liturally 11:15 pm rn in my country, sry for any mistakes. And I didn't write "more" smut, cuz I'm not really sure if I can do, if you wanna know that. So, bye and good night

btw, where do u live? I mean, country

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