I'd like to have a...

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"Happy Birthday y/n!" you hear a loud choir. You open your eyes and see all your friends, Enid, Ajax, Yoko and ... Wednesday. Your heart jumped as you saw her. She rly came! Wednesday is your unofficial girlfriend, she told you that she likes you a month ago and you haven't kissed yet. Weds trusts you and shows feelings (well, more than by others) when she's alone with you. Now she comes over to your bed, bends over you and whispers "Happy Birthday... darling" she smiles a little, just for you, nobody else can see it. A wide smile appears on your face as you say "Thank you Weds".

You got up and dressed in the closet of your room, which is exactly next to Wednesday and Enids room. When you get out, you see that they have bought several birthday gifts for you and baked a cake, a very big cake. You got an invitation for a girls night with Enid and Yoko, Ajax gave you a new pullover. Wednesdays gift made you almost cry. It was a little necklace with a heart pendant that you could open. In it was a photo of you and Weds. You look to her and see that she has the same. "Thank you so much" you whisper with tears in your eyes. "You're welcome. And... I have a surprise for you too. After lunch I will get you a dessert you want, it just has to be sweet." Wednesday says. "Oh, I already know something!" "Ok, what do you want?" "I'll say it after lunch, Weds!" you laugh.

Time skip: after lunch. "So, what do you want now? For your special dessert, I mean" Wednesday asks. "Come here!" you say and whisper in her ear "I'd like to have a sweet kiss from you, Weds" She looks at you with wide opened eyes "Why?" she wants to know. "Because I love you, Weds. I love still as much as I did when I told you the first time. That's my wish. A kiss. From you" you explain. "Alright" Wednesday says and then she kisses you softly. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment. When you got away from each other you hear a loud applause from your friends. Wednesday blushes, but kisses you again. She leans her forehead against yours and whispers "I love you y/n. I love you so much!"

A/n: sry ik its a short story, hope you like it still

I love you, babyyy (JennaOrtegaXFemReader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now