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TW: slight violence


"Who the fuck is this Nina?" you asked your cousin angrily. She shrugs "My best friends" "I thought we ... we meet alone. I ... I wanted to ask you for ... private advice..." you didn't know how to feel. First of all, you didn't think it was ok, but second, one of her best friends is so ... cute and ... pretty.

"I'm sorry y/n. Really. I ... you didn't say that you wanted to talk about something really private. I'm sorry. But, I promise, Ella and Jenna are really nice, I'm pretty sure, they could help you too!" They nod. "Of course we can!" the blonde says "If you want that" the brunette adds. "You promise, it won't leave those 4 walls, what I have to ask?" The three girls nod.

You hesitate. What if... it's embarrassing, for you, and you really don't want anybody to know it. But your cousin always helped you with things like this ... embarrassing things. "Ok..." you hesitate again before saying what you wanted to say so fast that almost no one could understand


Nina and the blonde, Ella, look confused. "What did ya say?" Ella asks. The brunette, Jenna, chuckles. "If you don't understand, then, I think you can go!" Ella leaves the room confused and Nina followed after Jenna gave her a signal to leave. Now you're the one who is confused.

"why...?" is all you bring out. "I understood you. I had the same problem, like, 2 years ago. I think, Ella and Nina can't help you as good as me with this, cause they've never experienced it. I did" she smiles at you. You look to the ground.

"The cutest girl in the world is lesbian?" as you hear your voice you quickly put you hand in front of your mouth and blush hard. "I ... I'm sorry. I never meant to ... to say it loud, I thought I was just thinking it. I'msosorry" your voice cracks and gets fast again.

"Hey, that's no problem! Everyone says sometimes something they didn't want to say, it's ok" Jenna says. "So, where were we? Do you need help with your coming out, or with the thought of being lesbian and the worries, that you never find someone and people don't like you because of your sexuality? Or with something else?" she asks and you look to the ground again

"The second you said" "Ok. I had that 'phase' too. I'll tell you, how I got through it. So, first I..."

Time skip: 1 week later

"come on, just this day!" your best friend says through the phone. "Tomorrow I'll be better, I'm sure." "yeah, ok" you hang up. 'will be a very nice day' you think to yourself.

Today is one of the days, where you and your best friend help in the nursery school. So, today you have to do it alone. You just sat down on a table, as you hear a familiar voice "y/n? what are you doing here?". Your head tilts up.

"Oh, hi Jenna! It's like, I don't know, a project maybe? We had to chose one social facility and we have to help out there one times a week. What about you?" I ask back "Kinda ... practical training I think?". You a bit about different things, then 3 kids are coming out of one room

"Y/n! Jenna!" they shout and run to you. "wanna sit down?" Jenna says and the kids nod. Just one problem: there are only 3 chairs and you and Jenna are sitting on two of them. "Ok, one of you sits between me and Jenna, one on my lap and one on Jennas lap. Ok?"

So comes, you are sitting with kids on your laps and on between you. The kids are playing something, while you lean back and put your hand on the chair back of the chair between you and Jenna. She does the same at the same time and your hands touch lightly. For you, it feel like a firework in your hands. You knew it. You knew, that you fell for this girl. Since you saw her. But you don't know, that Jenna feels the firework too. You slowly take your hand back, looking to the ground, red cheeks because you blushed.

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