Can you stay ... please?

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TW: shooting, blood


"Y/n are even listening?" I hear my best friend friend saying. "Yes... no, not really. I'm just ... I don't know" I answer. I exactly know why I'm not listening. But ... whatever.

We're walking back to to school. It was an amazing excursion. We were at a big park and for a few moments I forgot what happened.

Now I remember again. Every little detail. I feel all the pain again. I think it's called pseudo pain.


"No ... please!" I whisper. All I can see is the gun. The muzzle of the gun points directly at me. I'm not able to move. The finger of the boy in black moves. "NOOOO!" I scream. I can hear the –BANG- and all I see is black.


"NOOO" I hear someone scream. Then the –BANG-. I'm not able to move for a moment. Then I run. I run to the place where the scream came from.

I just can see a person in black running away. And there's someone lying on the ground, blood covered. I quickly get over to girl. The shoot wound is in her stomach. I got a flashback. NO NOT YET!! This girl's about to die!

"Hey, can you hear me?" I ask. The girls' eyelids flutter a little. "Y...yes" she whispers. "Ok, that's good. I'm gonna lift you up now and carry you to the hospital ok?" God, I hope so much that she's gonna make it! "Yes... but... why...don'" her voice fails. "I already called, but no one picked up" I say while lifting her up. It's true. I really don't understand why no one picked up. I carry her in the bridal style. How light she is. I can feel the blood running down my hands but I don't care .The only important thing now is, to get her to the hospital. I'm running as fast as I could and I can almost see the hospital. Then we arrive.

"Please, fast! She got shot, I found her!" I say breathless "I don't know her name, I'm sorry" "You don't know her name? She's Jenna Ortega, the actress!" the woman in the hospital says. "FAST!" I yell. "Can ... you ... stay... please?" I hear the girl saying. Then she's taken away quickly.

Is she really Jenna Ortega? I guess so. She looked familiar and now I know why. My phone is ringing. "Y/n where the fuck are you?" my bestie shouts through the phone "I'm at the hospital, calm down Lisa!" I say. "Why are you at the hospital?" "I heard screaming and a gun shooting..." "Yeah, I heard it too. You ran away, but when I arrived, you weren't here anymore!" "Well, turned out, that the girl that had been shot is Jenna Ortega. I just found out. I carried her to the hospital and they said it's her" "Oh. My. Gosh!" I roll my eyes. I would help everyone! "Uhm, I have to go to the lesson. What should I say?" Lisa says "I don't know Lisa. Think up something!"

Then I hang up. I hope so much, Jenna's gonna make it! Nobody should be shot. Nobody good. I'm pretty sure, she's a good person.

Time Skip

"Who's the one who brought Miss Ortega here?" I hear a voice. I quickly stand up "That's me!" A nurse shows me where to go. I open the door. It's really Jenna Ortega. She looks at me "You saved me?" "Yeah..." I say, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Sit down" Jenna says and points next too her on the bed. I sit down.

"Well, I'm Y/n" "Hi y/n. Thank you so much! You really saved my life!" she smiles at me but then stops "Ouch" "You're welcome. I really would do this for everyone! Please don't think I just saved you because you're famous! I didn't recognize you until a woman here told me!" I explain. She smiles again "Ok. But ... why you do this for everyone?" I take a deep breath in. I have to tell now.


Sirens scream, everybody gets in panic. The teacher's screaming. The announcement to stay in class. But I'm not in class. I'm in the floor. And the shooter shots. Right into my stomach. The pain. The blood. I can feel the bullet going through me. Then everything turns black.

Flashback ends

"Yeah, so, that's why. I survived, but nearly died. And my sister, who was with me, she died. Look" I pull my shirt up a little and show her the scar. It's not big, but it's not little too. Well, you can see it very easy. She stares at my stomach.

"Whoa ... I feel sorry for you. But ... really really thank you again. I have very very much respect for you. I mean, I'm pretty sure, most of the people with such an experience wouldn't even look what happened, because of the flashbacks and memories..."

"Yeah, I know. By the way, I'm very glad you survived luckily!" "They said it was sure that I'll survive. Uhm ... how old are you?" Jenna asks. I'm a little surprised. "17, but I'm turning 18 in a few month, why?" I answer her question. Why would she ask this? "Shouldn't you be at school?" she asks. "I should, yes. But ... I'm not... as you can see" Jenna laughs. And remembered her wound. "Everything ok?" I ask worried.

"Yeah... it just hurts. Can you ... hug me please?" My jaw drops as I hear this.


Y/n stares at me like I'm an alien. Uhm, ... maybe because I asked her to hug. It's crazy, but it feels like ... I don't know. I mean, she saved my life, is it true that you have a strong bond to your life saver? I feel like I have one.

Y/n still stares at me. "You don't have to stare at me!" I laugh and open my arm a little bit. She bits her lower lip and hesitates, but then she hugs me too.

My gosh, how can she smell so good? JENNA, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? I can't think things like that! But, ... she really smells good...


When I hugged her, it was like something, you can't describe. Her touch and her smell... they were even better than the fact, that I was hugging a celebrity! But I shouldn't think things like that!

"Y/n?" my head turns around to Jenna "Yeah?" "Can ... you give me your number?" she smiles shyly. "Of course, why not?" She gives me her phone and I save my number under Lifesaver y/n She smiles again. "I'll text you, when I'm better ok?" "Yes of course! Text me whenever you want. And ... when you need something ... just text me and I'll be right here, ok?" "OK!" Jenna sends me a big smile and blows a kiss.

NOOO, I can feel the heat in my face. I close my eyes embarrassed, as I hear her giggling. I just went out of the room when I hear Jenna saying "You look cute when you blush!" It makes me even more blushing.

"Bye! I hope, I'll see you soon!" She shouts after me. I turn around a last time. "Me too, bye!" Then I leave the hospital.

Part 2??

A/N: GUYS THIS IS THE LONGEST STORY I EVER WROTE!!! 1230 words! And this photo's again not from Jenna herself, but Tara is Jenna too, so

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