I miss you

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TW: mentions of shooting, grief, blood

Vada POV:

Have you ever had someone, who would sacrifice their own life for you? No? You can be sad. Or happy. Or whatever you want. I had someone like that. And she was the best person on earth. The only one, I trusted for everything. We were friends, since we were 10. Now I'm 17. And she's never gonna celebrate her 17th birthday. She is forever 16. And I miss her. More than anyone that could ever be in my life. Today is her one-year-anniversary. If you wanna call that so, you can. It's not really a thing to celebrate. She died. Today, one year ago.


"VADA! WATCH OUT!" I hear y/n scream. I turn around, and I see a gun. The gun is directly pointing at me. I freeze. I can't move. I want to move, but I can't. "VADA!" Y/N screams panickly and runs to me. "Vada!" she screams once more. But I still can't move. The gun. The man. Or boy. Whatever he is. The shooter. He stands in right in front of me. I can hear how he pushes the air away, as he slowly moves his finger. Then he shoots. But before the bullet reaches me, someone pushes me away. Y/n. I crash onto the floor. It hurts. But I don't care. In front of me, y/n. Blood on her shirt, she is breathing heavily. "Vada..." she whispers "Y/n! No! You can't die now! I need you. The world needs you! Please!" I cry. "Vada..." she repeats softly and moves her hands to my head, stroking my hair and caressing my cheek. "Vada, it's my time now. I ... I just don't want you to ... to forget me. You've done ... so much for ... me. You know ... that I ... I'll never ... stop ... loving you. You... mean so ... so much to ... to me. Promise ... promise me ... that ... you'll never ... never forget ... me. I love you." "I love you too y/n. And I'll never forget you. How could I? I love you so much, I could never love someone else, I...." my voice breaks. Tears are streaming down my face. I kiss her. She smiles at me. Her smile. The smile, I love. The smile, taht makes me always happy. The most beautiful smile in the world. All I can do now, is holding her. We both know, that nobody could save her. I just lay her head in my lap and hold her. She smiles at me once again, whispers "I love you Vada" and then she closes he eyes. Forever. With the sweetest smile on her face. I can feel, how she breaths in a last time, feel her heartbeat one last time.

Flashback ends

I know, I can be so happy to have her. But it's so hard. I don't know how I could live this one year without her. I miss her so much. Everyday I visit her at the cemetary.  Everyday I cry there. Remembering the moment, when she whispered the last time 'I love you'. I will never forget the sound of her voice. Never. I will never forget her. I will never forget all the wonderful moments we had together. Y/n was my first love. I'm saying the truth when I say, she was to good for me. I should've died. But she pushed me away. And sacrificed her life. For me. I could never be more honored than this.

Y/n was a person, who was liked by everyone. She was always friendly and polite. No matter how rude someone was to her. She just freaked out, when someone was rude to me. She was the best person on earth. Altough it hurts so much to know, that I can't kiss her, hug her anymore, I know, that she's still here. And looks after me. And takes care of me. It sounds weird, but sometimes I feel like, I feel her presence.

At first it was very hard, to stop blaming myself for her death. But it got easier with the time. Y/n would say, that it was fate. That the universum thought this for us. This is y/n. She always protected me from bad thoughts or others. She never wanted me to think I did something wrong, even when I DID something wrong. That's one the reasons I loved her so much.

Today, I'm gonna bring her favourite flowers to her grave. She deserves it. For all she has done, she deserves living. But nobody can change that. Never. Never again she would breathe. I just hope, that she's at a better place now. Y/n always believed in heaven and I hope this strong faith helped her. Helped her, to get where she wanted to be. I have to say, I never really believed in heaven. But now, I do. I believe so much in the thought of heaven, that I sometimes get lost in imagining, how it could look like. And I hope, that I can meet y/n again. When I die one day.

Y/n would want me to find another one. Another person, I can be happy with. Because all she ever wanted was, that I am happy. What can I say, she was too good for me. She would want, that I have kids, and live a long, succesful life. She would want, that I live my dream life. My dream live will never become true without her. But I try my best, to have a wonderful life. Even if it means, that I would be happy with someone, that's not y/n. I know, that this is, what y/n wanted. A happy me.

But I will never forget her. I had the most wonderful time in my life with her. And I will never stop visiting her grave. I will never stop looking at pictures of her. I will never stop thinking of her. I will never stop remembering her voice. I will never stop remebering the feeling of her lips on mine, her arms around me, when she hugged me, her eyes when she was proud of me or just happy. I will never stop remebering the dimples, which could be seen when she smiled, the sparkle in her eyes, when she kissed me. I will never forget anything about her. That's the least thing, I can do for her.

I just watched The fallout (without anybody knowing bc I'm not allowed to - strict parents yk) and I didn't cry. I wrote  this, and guess what? I CRIED. I FUCKING CRIED WHILE WRITING THIS.  I don't know how I can write so sad things ( I think they're sad) but I did it.

I hope, you cried too (lmao, sarcasm). Good night/day, guys

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