Chapter 2 - Request

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Third Person's Pov

The little tangerine was done at showering and is getting ready for work when suddenly, someone knocks at the front door of their house.

(Forgot to say, Hinata's family are rich rich here, so their house is a bit huge here).

'That must be them, definitely' the little tangerine thought and came closer to the door. He then opened the door and shows up the two female with one that has a blonde hair and the other one has a black hair.

"Hello Hinata-kun, how are you and Natsu today?" the black haired female said calmly while smiling.

The little tangerine then opens the door widely enough for them to get in."Me and Natsu are fine today, how about you Kiyoko-san and Yachi-san?" Hinata said and shows his sunny and sweet smile.

't-too...bright..' Kiyoko and Yachi thought while covering their faces with hands at the sudden shine that flashes infront of their eyes.

"Why don't you two come inside?" Hinata said politely and lead them to the guest room."Let's wait for Natsu to finish getting ready for school, bring her there, and let's talk about something important when we arrived at the cafe" Yachi said and kiyoko is just nodding, agreeing to yachi's statement.

Hinata was about to ask them when suddenly Natsu interrupted him."Time to go to school!" Natsu said in a happy tone. Yachi and Kiyoko greeted Natsu and they all went outside the house.

Hinata was still thinking what is that all about but decided to not ask the two since they're just gonna say it to him later otherwise at the cafe.

Timeskip when they arrived at the cafe•

Kiyoko's Pov

We finally arrived at the cafe and Hinata unlocked the cafe entrance door and flipped the sign 'Closed' into 'Open'. After that, he immediately make two cappuccino for us and one latte for him.

"Sooo... what's the thing you guys wanted to say?" Hinata curiously asked while sipping on his latte. Me and Yachi looked at each other before Yachi took a deep breath."Can you be the new manager of our team?" Yachi asked while looking at Hinata with 'please, i beg you' look.

Hinata immediately spitted out the latte and looked at us with shocked face."WHAT??WHY??" Hinata asked almost shouting."Well, we know that you're a responsible person and is perfect for that job so we need you because we can't do it alone unless someone more worthy helps us, and it's only you Hinata, you." I said with a serious tone and looked at Hinata with the same look at Yachi's face.

We heard a sudden sigh, and look up to see Hinata with a disappointed look on his face. We thought it meant that he will decline our request but when he suddenly spoke."Why didn't you guys told me that sooner? Of cource I'll accept your request! You've never had any idea that the Tiny Giant was my idol and i want to be part of Karasuno too!" Hinata said happily while smiling on us.

We actually didn't expect that to happen, because we thought that Hinata will gonna decline our request because he needs to work at the cafe."I can change my working schedule from Saturday to Sunday so i can be there at the gym in Monday to Friday!" Hinata said in a cheerful tone while still smiling at us.

Me and Yachi just smiled back."THANK YOU SO SO MUCH HINATA-KUN, OH MY GOODNESS I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GONNA ACCEPT IT" Yachi shoutedly said while holding back her tears. Hinata chuckled at the sight."I'm ready to help you two when you need me and besides, I'm feeling really happy right now that i got to see the team that the Tiny Giant has joined in to!" Hinata said in a very sweet and polite voice.

'We're so lucky that we met this Angel tangerine, arigato Kami-sama..' Me and Yachi both thought while looking at the Angel tangerine.


Y'all probably got bored at this chapter but i still thank y'all for supporting my story.

And also the next chapter will finally gonna be the start of the harem, so get ready y'all~ 🤭🤭😘🥰

Total words: 718

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