Chapter 20 - Barbecue! (Part 1)

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Third Person's Pov

"I heard..." Daichi said while looking at the ground.

"...What?" Tanaka said, getting a little tensed or terrified, same goes for his bro.

Daichi then looked at the members with a serious look. Coach Ukai and Takeda is there too, listening.

"I heard Coach Nekomata and the Coach of Shinzen bought and set up the barbecue outside, they said we're gonna have a picnic celebration for those who accepted Coach Nekomata's invitation in coming here, after practicing." Daichi said still with a serious look.

The three's ear (Hinata, Nishi, and Taka) then perked up when Daichi mentioned a food. Their eyes began to sparkle.


The three shouted in order and the other members laughed at their stupidity. Of course they find Hinata cute as well and they got swayed by it.

"We're going to eat and celebrate later after practice so what are we waiting for?" Coach Ukai said and cheered up the team. They all agreed to it and got downstairs to practice more.


The team got win streak because of the news and they were fired up to eat. Even the other members looked shock as they saw the three (Hinata, Nishi, and Taka) dancing while singing a song about barbecue. They blushed seeing the manager of Karasuno having fun with his senpais. They wished they were Tanaka and Nishinoya.

Suddenly, Kageyama joined the three dancing as he danced like a robot (cute) while the three is like making a ritual or something. Daichi just shake it off and watched them play around and have fun.


The match practice has ended and the other teams included Karasuno got excited as they know they're gonna have a celebration God knows who told them the news.

They got outside and saw the table with full of barbecues and other delicious foods, every team has their own tables so they can eat together in team.

They then began to drool over them foods but was interrupted by Coach Nekomata who got infront of the people, about to say a speech.

"I'd like to thank all the teams who accepted my invitation in coming here, so here's the reward and let's have fun celebrating being reunited." Coach Nekomata said and they all thanked him for this. The said coach then nodded his head as a symbol that they can finally eat and have fun. The teams understood and jumped off their tables.


They all ate the foods like there's no tomorrow and they all began to talk to each other while eating, it's like having a picnic with your whole family (sana all 🥲👍).

Kageyama won't stop eating and chewing without taking a breath so he choked on his food and was about to die but thank God Akaashi saved him as he gave him some water.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Kuroo was talking with his teammates but got interrupted by Bokuto appearing out of nowhere and snatched all the food in the grill in the Nekoma's table, Kuroo then saw it and snatched Bokuto angrily and scolding him for getting all the food, which was Bokuto doesn't give a fuck as he was so hungry.

"DAMMIT YOU OWL, YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ANOTHER FOOD, YOU MORON!" Kuroo shouted and the rest of his teammates began to laugh while watching the scene.

Meanwhile, Kenma in the corner was just playing with his Nintendo switch and hopely he gets Hinata's attention, but Kuroo suddenly came up to him and snatched his Nintendo.

"Oi Kenma, you should come and eat here before this stupid owl take the whole fucking food." Kuroo said, acting like a mother infront of Kenma. Kenma got no damn choice but to eat to get his Nintendo back but failed because Kuroo putted it in his pocket.

Kenma is so done and got out of the scene and decided to find his sunshine to get rid of the boredom.

Meanwhile, on the manager's side, Hinata and the other girls are talking to each other while eatin peacefully. Most of the team members got their attention to Hinata and decided to look at him while they're eating, as if they're watching a movie.

"Damn, he is so beautiful." The member of the Shinzen said while blushing.

"I know right? Come on, how about we ask for his number?" The member of Ubugawa high then said and his friend agreed to it.

Suddenly, they were about to get close to Hinata but got chills as they saw the simps of the Karasuno look at them and glare daggers while seemed to guarding their sunshine.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?" Tanaka said angrily while glaring at the two different team members.

"Don't think about approaching our SUNSHINE, you dimwits." Nishinoya then said and growled at them (wolf yarn?).

"Not on our watch." Yamamoto said while glaring also at the two.

The two got frightened and got out of the scene as the three guards felt happy that they got them go away from their sunshine.

Nishinoya was about to talk with Hinata but saw him not with the girls. The three guards then got worried where'd he go.

Suddenly, they thought that Oikawa and the Aoba Johsai team took him away as they all know it was their hobby to snatch him.

The three got straight in the said team to find the sunshine but no signs of him there.

"Where's my kouhai, you idiots." Nishinoya said angrily and all the Aoba Johsai team members looked at the three.

"He was not here, as you can see, and how dare you call us that, huh?" Oikawa said back angrily. Suddenly, Iwaizuni then smacked his head and apologized at the actions of his friend.

"I'm sorry for what he did but, he was right, Shoyo was not here." He said with a serious look.

The three then suddenly spotted the sunshine with a familiar pudding hair. They immediately run towards their direction and-

"What do you think you're doing to our kouhai?"


I'm kinda also excited what's gonna happen next, it's gonna be the part 2 of this chapter (Barbecue! Part 2). I hope y'all enjoyed also reading this chapter, cuz i also enjoyed writing this scene, probably my most favorite chapter.

Btw, kindly leave a comment if you want on what do you feel while reading this? Let me know down jn the comments! Love y'all!

Byeeee~ 😍🥰😘❤️

Total words: 1082

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