Chapter 8 - Sleepover

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Third Person's Pov

After preparing for the sleepover, the three idiots decided to battle which who will sleep beside Hinata. They did the rock paper scissors game while Hinata is taking a shower at the bathroom. (Personal hygiene it is).

Timeskip after they battle in the game Rock paper scissors•

"Haa! See, i told y'all I'm gonna win! PWUAHAHABABAHHA" Tanaka shouted, knowing he's gonna be the one who will sleep beside Hinata, but he forgot that Hinata's gonna be sleeping in this side of bed.

Which means, there are two people who's gonna win the game, One's Tanaka and the other one is

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Which means, there are two people who's gonna win the game, One's Tanaka and the other one is...🥁🥁


Yes, that's right, Kageyama. I decided to just spin the wheel on who will gonna be the two people who's gonna be lucky, and that is Tanaka and Kageyama. I'm sorry, i just can't decide who's gonna win.

"AHHHHHHH, I LOSTTT!" Nishinoya began to break down, knowing he had no second chance now. (poor Noya 😞 ).

"Sorry bro, better luck next time." Tanaka said, praying for his bro. The commotion suddenly stopped when someone barge in the room.

"Hello guys! What's going on here? I heard you're playing a game, i wanna join too!" Hinata said happily. Apparently, the three idiots didn't focus on what he's saying cuz of Hinata's sleeping clothes.


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' fits him well...'

"Eh? What's problem..? Why y'all looking at me like that..?" Hinata said looking at his reflection in the mirror God knows where that came from.

"Ah, nothing Shoyo. We just think that the pajama you're wearing fits you well...///" Nishinoya slowly said, blushing so he covered his face up.

"Oh, thank you...///" Hinata said blushing too at the compliment. He can't get used to people he know saying he's cute, it always flattered him.

"Ah, anyways, let's just watch some movie, since it's a bit early to sleep." Hinata said, interrupting the silence.

The three agreed. They decided to know what it is, yes that's right, Horror. It's always fun watching Horror when you're in a sleepover.

(You guys just imagine what movie they're watching as i was too lazy to find any interesting Horror movies).

"Alright, while you guys pick what movie y'all want, I'll prepare the snacks." Tanaka said and went to the kitchen.

"I'll help you, Tanaka senpai." Hinata said, following Tanaka to the kitchen.

'You're so sweet, Hinata.~⁠♡'

Timeskip after they picked a movie and done preparing snacks•

"I feel like I will not gonna be able to sleep tonight." Nishinoya said while watching the movie, also eating the snacks.

"Yo bro, what the fu- i mean, what in the world? You finished all the snacks in just one bite? What are you, a vacuum?" Tanaka said, almost forgetting Hinata was there so he can't curse.

"It's alright, Tanaka senpai, I'll just make another one." Said the tangerine. Suddenly, Nishinoya followed Hinata to the kitchen."I should help you, i was the one who finished it all, sorry." He said. Hinata just smiled and pat his head.

"Haha, it's alright, let's just make another one and stop apologizing, it's okay." He said, still smiling.

Once again, Nishinoya saw the light of heaven.

'Shoyo, i love you..'


Sorry for not uploading chapters in this story for too long, i was too busy making chapters on the other story.

Thank you for reading this chapter.
Byeeeeee~ 😘♥️🥰

Total words: 577

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