Chapter 13 - Training Camp

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Hinata's Pov


I've been jumping up and down out of excitement after i woke up, remembering what day is it. I quickly went downstairs and saw my parents, helping the maids prepare my bag filled with clothes, toothbrush, and many more things because we're gonna stay in Tokyo for a week.

"Mom, Dad, and Ms. Nishimiya, you don't need to prepare that for me, i can do that by myself, thank you for the help, and I'll just prepare the other things." I said to them. I don't want people wasting their time helping me for something simple to do, i mean, I'm very thankful that they helped me but i just dont want them to get tired just helping me with something, if you know what i mean.

"Oh Shoyo, i know you're worried about us helping you because you think we get tired, don't worry, we just like to help our son in need. Of course same with Natsu too." Dad said and i embraced them with a hug. theu are done preparing and i thanked them for that.

I forgot to tell y'all that it's currently 4 am in the morning, i need to get to the school at strict 5:30 am. I'm currently done taking a bath and it's now 4:32 am in the morning. Oh God, i gotta speedrun.

Timeskip after Hinata arrived at the school•

I'm currently in the school and sheesh, I'm so tired from running to school but it's okay since i got there at 5:27 am.

"Hello guys! Are y'all excited for the training camp? Because IM so excited too!" I shouted and they smiled at me.

"We're also excited (lie) too, Hinata!" Yamaguchi-kun said and i smiled at him. He quickly looked away and i heard Tsukki said "Tsk".

"Alright, since we're now complete, let's get on the bus and head to Tokyo." Daichi senpai said and we all agreed. We went to the bus and my seatmate is Nishinoya senpai!

"Hello Nishinoya senpai! I'm happy to be your seatmate, haha!" I said and he turned red.

"I-i'm so happy too that you're my seatmate...///" He said and put his head down. I looked so worried that carried his head by grabbing his chin close to me. First, i didn't realized what i did but i immediately blushed when i got to my senses.

"Wahhh, I-i'm so sorry...! ///" I said and the mood became so awkward. God, why did i did that in the first place?

I just looked away and never faced him and just fell asleep in the window side, good thing my other classmates didn't see what just happened because they're asleep and we're the only awake ones (except the driver of course) because if they're awake, I'll just die out of embarrassment.

Nishinoya's Pov

Oh shit! Oh shit! What just happened...wait, AHHHHH I CAN'T!!! MY HEARTBEAT IS SO FAST I THINK I'M GONNA DIE!!!!

I looked at my kouhai who is now sleeping at the window side of the bus, thank god my teammates is asleep or they'll beat me up if they saw us.

Suddenly, the bus got bumped in the humps and Shoyo got swayed and landed at my body. this heaven..?

He groaned at the pain, and wiggled his body in my body. I blushed at the view, Shoyo looked like he's clinging on me. He's so cute to the point that i want to kiss him right now but held myself.

I just cuddled him and fell asleep, trying to forget what happened right now and slowly dozed off to sleep...

Hinata's Pov

I woke up when Takeda sensei shouted, saying that we're here at Tokyo. I opened my eyes only to see Nishinoya senpai cuddling me? I moved and wiggled around to get rid of Nishinoya senpai's arm around me and Kiyoko-san saw me suffering so she helped me out and gave Nishinoya senpai a big smack at the head which made him jump and woke up.

"W-what was that for, Kiyoko-san?" Nishinoya senpai said and looked at me, he quickly bowed his head and said sorry to me.

"I'm so sorry, my kouhai. I didn't mean to cuddle you... it's just... you're so warm..." He said and i blushed.

"Oh don't worry, Nishinoya senpai, it's comfortable though so it's okay." I said and blushed even more.

"What the fuck bro?" Tanaka senpai suddenly popped out of nowhere. He quickly pulled Nishinoya senpai's arms and goes outside the bus. Me and Kiyoko-san looked at each other and goes outside too, everyone's outside at the bus now so we decided to walk towards the door, but Nishinoya senpai and Tanaka senpai suddenly shouted.

"WAHHHHHH! Sky tree!???!!" they said in sync, and someone suddenly laughed at my back, only to see a red uniform guy, actually, it's not just one, but many red uniform guys.

"It's not a sky tree, idiots, and by the way, welcome to Tokyo, Karasuno." The guy said and looked at us and smirked.

"And oh, you got a pretty little manager over there too!" Another guy popped out of the other guy's back, and he seemed so tall! woah!

"Shut up, Lev." And another guy said and smacked the taller guy's back. Wait...he seemed so familiar...wait...



Such a cliffhanger right there, hehe sorry for that 🤭 but thank you for reading this chapter, I'll try and update tomorrow because the next chapter is gonna be SOO excited to make. Love y'all 😍😘♥️🥰

Total words: 970

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