Chapter 3 - Pudding hair

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Yachi's Pov

"Let's meet at XXX when you're done working!" I happily said while walking towards the front door and waved goodbye to Hinata."Sure, I'll be there at 3:30!" Hinata replied while cleaning the table. It's currently 12:23 pm so i guess Hinata will be take long time working at the cafe.

Hinata's Old Schedule:

Monday - Friday = 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Saturday - Sunday = 1:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Hinata's New Schedule:

No work at Monday - Friday

Saturday - Sunday = 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm

(the reason why Hinata changed Monday - Friday schedule's into no work day is because he's gonna work as the new manager of Karasuno in that day of the week, if y'all remembered).


Hinata's Pov
(Current time: 3:27 pm)

I stretched my arms and began to clean the cafe.'Today's a long day, I'm tired..'
I thought and remembered what Yachi told me, that's right, she said we need to meet at the XXX when I'm done working!

I was done cleaning the cafe and was about to get the front door cafe key when suddenly, someone entered the cafe."Yachi, i was just about to leave, you can just wait at the out-" I cut myself off when i looked up and suddenly saw a pudding hair that is holding a cat is just staring at me, confused. Now it's just us having a staring battle but was stopped when i asked him.

"Umm, the cafe is now closed mister but have you perhaps need anything?" I asked politely while smiling at him. I saw him looked away and then saw his ear reddening.

I got worried because i thought he had a fever or something, so i got near him and touched his forehead."Hmm... I don't think you have a fever, but why are you red like a tomato?" I asked while tilting my head."M-maybe because of running, don't worry I'm f-fine..." He said more like a whisper.'Hmm...i think this guy must be uncomfortable...' I thought and smiled at him again.

"Take a seat, and I'll make you something to drink, you can pick here in the menu" I said as I reached the menu and gave it to him."Caffè macchiato is fine." He replied while showing a small smile.

Timeskip after Hinata finished making a drink for the pudding hair

"Sooo what brings you here, mister?" I said with a curious expression."My stupid friend can't stop talking about things so i decided to hide from him, and i found this place.." He said and frowned remembering the 'friend' he's talking about. I chuckled at the statement and spoke.

"I'm Hinata Shoyou by the way, but you can call me Shoyo!" I said with a sunny smile."K-kenma...Kozume.." He said almost whispering, again.

(Hinata's close relatives like his sister Natsu only is the one he is letting to called him 'Shoyo' so i think Kenma is really a lucky guy).

"After you finish your drink you can leave now because this cafe needs to close right away, don't worry though because you can still visit this cafe in Saturday and Sunday if you want, Kenma." I said in a happy and warm tone. He agreed and finished the drink immediately and stood up from his chair."T-then... I'll be going then... thanks for the free drink tho...bye, Shoyo.." He said and i gave him a smile.

"It's really nothing, don't thank me, i enjoyed talking to you tho, haha!" I said and gave him a smile. He looked away and opens the door.

Pudding hair's Pov

'Damn it, you game cat lover! That's so embarrassing of you!' I thought to myself while trying to calm myself down. I began to walk away from the cafe and started to think about Shoyo.'Damn, he's really beautiful and kind...i think I've fallen in love with him...' I thought and didn't noticed i was smiling while thinking about him, but my smile quickly fade away when 'someone' came in front of me.

"Are~? Is the gamer cat boy smiling right now~? I can't believe it~" The rooster head teasingly said while smirking."Shut up, Kuroo." I toxicly said and glared at the rooster who's name is Kuroo."Oh come on Kenma, i know you're thinking about someone." He said while still looking at me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and proceed to walk pass him.

"Hey now, you know I'm just joking, gosh, you really always take that seriously huh." He said while following me. I just ignored him and continued thinking about Shoyo.

'He's so lovely, i like him...'


That's it for today's chapter, hope some of the Kenhina shippers there enjoyed the chapter! Love y'all 😘🥰♥️

Total words: 810

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