Chapter 22 - Drunk Hinata 🥴🤭

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Third Person's Pov

Hours has passed, half of the teams are now wasted drinking alcohol (mga lasinggero amp) including Hinata.

"Hinata? are you okay? you must be so drunk now, can you get up?" Sugawara said being concerned with his sushine. Hinata was currently drooling while laying his head in the table, it was cute actually.

"What..? of course I'm not drunk sugawara-senpai..~" Hinata said while hiccuping, he's clearly wasted, he drank almost 1 gallon of wine that's why.

The ones who are still in their senses are currently concerned as well in their baby crow, but he's absolutely fine.

"Here Shoyo, drink this water to help you sober up." Kenma said and gave Hinata a cup of water, Hinata then carefully drink it and Kenma was satisfied.

"Can you stand up?" Aone said while holding his hand. (ACKK MY AONEHINA HEART 😭🔪)

Hinata tried to stand up but instead he got out of balanced but thank goodness Aone was there. Aone was really worried so he told Daichi he's gonna put Hinata to their dorm and let him rest. Daichi and his other teammates (except noya and tanaka cuz they're drunk also) came along too so they can guide Aone towards their dorm, while Aone on the other hand carrying Hinata in a bridal way which they got jealous.

Minutes have passed, they got in Karasuno's dorm finally and went to Hinata's bed and lay him there. He was sleeping but when they're about leave, Hinata then grabbed Aone's shirt (the end of his shirt) and pull it slightly. Of course they looked back to see Hinata awake.

"Thank you guys, for taking care of me.." He said, almost whispering with a slight smile on his face, it was cute.

Of course them being a simp blushed at the cuteness overload. Aone then kneel down a bit to say something to Hinata.

"You're welcome." He said with a soft tone smiled at Hinata. (DID HE JUST SMILED???)

Hinata then close his eyes and said one last thing before he goes back to sleeping.

"I love you guys.." He said as he yawned and go back to sleep.

This triggered them, and i mean SO MUCH TRIGGERED them, it's like they tryna process what just happened but started blushing at the same time.

They quickly but quietly goes out the room before they all silent shouted at what they just heard. It's like the sound when a girl is fangirling or something.

"I can't believe he said that." Sugawara said, shocked.



Tsukishima can't believe this but he to got surprised. The whole Karasuno team got surprised, (except noya and tanaka since they're still at the table sleeping) and also Aone.

"I can't believe this, we gotta tell it to the others." Daichi said. They didn't actually know if Hinata just said that because he's drunk or he said that in a friendly way. They don't know, but it could be in a romantic way, or not. (hmm 🤭)

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