Chapter 7 - Study

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Third Person's Pov

The practice finished quickly because of the schedule they made for studying. Kageyama quickly goes beside the little tangerine after changing his clothes. They waited for Tanaka and Nishinoya to finish changing clothes while talking to each other. After they finished, Hinata and Kageyama waited for them and goes to Tanaka's place.

Timeskip after they arrived at Tanaka's place•

"So, what are the exams you are having a difficulty to?" Hinata said while looking at Kageyama. Kageyama stopped for a moment thinking what he will say but decided to say all subject so that he will have more time with Hinata.

(Hehe, that's smart of you Kageyama.)

"I'm bad at all subjects." He simply said trying not to show a smirk. Hinata was flabbergasted, he didn't expect that Kageyama would fail all subjects, well, let's say he expect Kageyama to fail atleast 1-2 subjects, but all? no, he didn't.

"O-oh okay, i didn't expect for you to fail all subjects." Hinata said preparing all his studying materials."Well, let's just say I'm not good at studying on my own, so i need you to help me with it, please." Kageyama said, enjoying the scene but was suddenly got interrupted by the two male.

"Whatcha talking about with our kouhai, hmm, Kageyama?" Nishinoya sternly said while glaring at the milk boi."Calm down Nishinoya senpai, we're just talking about Kageyama's exams, and he said he fail all his exams, i guess i need to teach him in his study for one whole day." Hinata said fixing all his things in the table.

'Oh, so Kageyama is lying just to get Hinata's attention the whole day, huh?' The two bros thought at the same time while still glaring at Kageyama.

'Guess we have to lie too.' They thought while holding a devilish smirk."Ahem Hinata, we...also failed all our tests, please also teach us." Tanaka said, understanding what Nishinoya's look is. Kageyama glared at them while Hinata is looking at the two.

'This two bitches trying to get Hinata's attention away from me.' He angrily thought." that so..? I guess i need to teach y'all all day..." Hinata said while scratching his nape. The three thought the same thing at the same time.

"You can just sleep here if it takes too long, and it's also a bit dark in the outside." Tanaka said not regretting what he said."Yeah! something like a sleepover or something!" Nishinoya happily said, trying to convince Hinata."O-okay...i guess." Hinata said."I'll go text my mom that I'm staying here first." He added.

Timeskip after they study•

Hinata's Pov

"Haaa... finally, we're done I'm really tired, but i honestly enjoyed it!" I said with a sunny smile."Is that so? then I'm gonna prepare the mats." Tanaka senpai said and exits the room."Hold on, I'll help you with it." I said following Tanaka senpai.

"Here, you can just take this and put it there, I'll handle this heavy stuffs." Tanaka senpai politely said like a gentleman."Okay, np! but, if it's too much heavy, I'll help, okay?" I worriedly said while looking at Tanaka senpai.

He immediately looked back, I don't know why but decided not to ask About it."I-it's okay... I'm fine i got this, thank you for worrying." Tanaka senpai said while smiling at me. I didn't answer back after that and just decided to go to the room that we'll gonna be sleeping at because I'm too tired to respond.


And... that's it for today's chapter, hope y'all enjoyed this.
Bye~ 😘🥰♥️

Total words: 608

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