Chapter 34

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What I say only causes Brandon to get angrier, like I had anticipated. He steps forward once again and throws his fist out in an attempt to punch me. I easily dodge it and step around to his back. He quickly turns around before I can make my move and punches me right square on the nose. I feel warm blood trickling down my face but choose to ignore it as I get ready for Brandon's next move.

I dodge one of his punches again and decide it's my turn to make a move. I throw out my right fist and it connects with his cheekbone. I feel a sharp pain move up through my arm but once again disregard it as I throw another punch to his ribs. I take all my anger out on him. All the times he hurt Chiarra, all the times she suffered from his pain, under his control. I blow another punch to his face and kick his ribs. I am so grateful I took those Thai Boxing classes. I knew they would come in handy one day but I didn't think it would be for this reason.

Brandon stumbles back again and I take this time to look around me. I hear people chanting 'Fight!' as people slowly trickle out of the classrooms to watch the uproar. I spot the boys running towards us as they push their way to the front of the crowd.

"Luke! Stop!" Calum yells as he runs up to me. The boys grab hold of my arms and try to push me backwards. I fight and scream at them as I try to get to Brandon. I growl, not caring about anything else than to getting back to Brandon to beat his ass.

While I'm doing this, Brandon only continues to taunt me. "I loved hurting Chiarra. She was like my punching bag. And she's so pretty too." He grins, a wicked one and I think about smashing his teeth in just to get that stupid look off of his face.

Ashton moves behind me and wraps his arms around my chest so I can't move. Michael pushes me backwards, yelling things at me about calming down. Calum keeps an eye on Brandon and yells at him to stop taunting me as he's only making me angrier. Why did my friends even come here? I was enjoying beating Brandon up. I don't care if it's the wrong thing to do, I just want to hurt him. I know I'll regret it later but with all the adrenalin pumping through me, I feel so light and as if I can accomplish anything - beating Brandon up.

I watch the crowd around me again and see Chiarra running. She can obviously hear Brandon yelling and everyone talking about our fight. I don't want her to leave me again, well technically I left her but... I don't care. I watch her run closer and I whimper, thinking about how lost I will be if she leaves me again.

Chiarra's P.O.V

I wonder what's going on. Why are so many people crowded around here? I hear people yelling 'Fight!' and wonder who it is that's fighting. I try to spot Luke in the crowd as I miss his safe arms. I don't care about the stupid fight. I bet people are just fighting for no obvious reason.

I hear people whispering "Brandon hurt Chiarra? Is that why they broke up?" Why are they asking these questions? What does this have anything to do with the fight? I ignore all the whispers because I really can't handle this now. I just really need Luke!

I push my way through the crowd, murmering 'Sorry' one too many times, and people part the way for me. Everyone turns their attention from the fight to me as their cries die down. They continue to step aside so I can walk through and the only noise I hear are quiet whispers and the yelling from inside the centre of the crowd. As the last couple of people move aside, I see Luke. He has blood running down his face and I can already see a couple of bruises forming. The boys are trying to control the fight and are holding Luke back. Brandon is across from them and he has that stupid smirk on that I used to fall for.

"Luke!" I yell as his eyes meet mine. He nervously looks away as he shrinks back further into Ashton's arms as he stops fighting him. What's wrong with him? Is he really that dissapointed in himself that he can't make eye contact with me? At least this way I don't have to give him that long of a lecture.

I look across to Brandon and see the evil grin that's plastered on his face. I can see the fire that's flickering behind his eyes. Why is he so evil? I understand why Luke hit him. Obviously Brandon was saying bad things about me or... Luke just decided to hit him for no reason? But he seemed so relaxed after he let his anger go when Brandon walked past in the hall. Maybe he was just hiding his real feelings? I couldn't care less about Brandon though. He deserves everything he got after what he did to me and I'm sure Luke will agree. Karma's a bitch. I know I shouldn't feel this way but after everything he's done... I feel nothing towards him but hatred.

I walk up to Luke and feel conscious about all the pairs of eyes on us. I mean, honestly, where are the teachers? Oh, here they come, running up to us asking what's happened. I quickly turn to Luke so I can say something before the teachers will wisk him away to the principal's office.

"It's okay." I say as I lightly press on his cheek with the tips of my fingers, moving his head so he will meet my eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay. I still love you Luke." His eyes soften but he looks a little surprised by what I've said. How could he think that I wouldn't love him anymore? I couldn't stop loving Luke for this let alone anything. He visibly relaxes and the teachers step in front of us.

"What happened here?!" Ms Vola yells.

"Luke hit me for no reason." Brandon chokes out, trying to sound hurt. He's wiped that stupid grin off of his face and he's now clutching his face.

"He didn't do anything!" Michael yells and Calum, Ash and I agree.

"I don't care. Just both of you go get cleaned up then meet in the principal's office." Ms Vola says. Bipolar much. 'What happened?' 'I don't care!' Teachers are just... ugh!

I take Lukes hand and the teachers walk away. I glance back at Brandon and he smirks again as I feel sick and look away. Luke moves his arm around my back and rests it on my waist. I help him walk but every time he takes a step, he cringes which makes me cringe. I don't want to see him in pain.

The crowd disperses, clearly noticing there will be no more action as the fight is over. I spot my friends and they give me sympathetic smiles. They were the ones that were mad with me this morning. Why are they so sympathetic now? Eureka realizes that she's smiling and scowls as she flicks her hair over her shoulder. She turns around and yells at Kat and Elena to follow. Gee that girl is she stubborn but I would never turn on her. After all we've been through together, after being friends for so long, I know that I could never stop being her friend. I know she'll come around eventually but I'm going to miss her for the time being.


Note from MrsHemmings579:
Hey! Thanks for reading, please vote and comment. I would also appreciate any feedback and I am quiet open about it so TELL ME ALL THE BAD! OMG I SEE 5SOS ON STAGE IN 4 DAYS! I AM ACTUALLY NERVOUS ABOUT IT FOR SOME REASON!
Anywayyyyy, sorry about the Bad Blood video. I just write this so long ago and I thought because they were fighting and all...

Also I've decided to enter the Wattys2015! I just want to thank you all for your endless support that you've given me throughout writing this book. Thanks! ♡

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