Chapter 36

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Chiarra's P.O.V

Classes seem to fly by and I find myself walking out of the gates to the bus stop.

"Hey babe." Someone says from behind me. I know that voice. Brandon. I wish it was Luke but... unfortunately it's not.

"What do you want?" I ask him loudly. I don't want him to see that he intimidates me but of course he does. He beat me till I blacked out. I was that badly hurt both physically, I could barely get out of bed in the morning, and emotionally, I was constantly worried about him hurting me. I didn't want to go to school let alone get out of bed. Sometimes I wish that I could forget what he's done to me but then again, what he did to me is what has made me into myself today. I feel so much stronger and powerful. Like I don't even have to listen to Brandon because that's my choice whether I want to or not. I keep walking because I don't want to put up with him and his shit. I see people looking at us, wondering what all the commotion is about. After that fight that he was involved in with Luke, I'm pretty sure everyone now knows that Brandon beat me and that's why we're not together anymore.

"Aw! Come on babe." He whines, jogging up to along side me. He acts like he's never hurt me before; like everything between us is normal and that we're just two old friends walking out of school together. Yeah right!

"Don't call me that. I'm not yours." I snap, staring straight ahead. I keep walking to the bus stop and wish for someone to come running up to save me. Yeah, it looks like he doesn't intimidate me but honestly, he could easily hit me right now. That's not the only way he can hurt me though; sometimes words hurt more.

"Ha! Oh sorry, that's right! Your Lukes. How are you still with him after what he did all those years back? If I were you I wouldn't even be dating him, unless... You don't know!" He figures out with that stupid grin on his face.

"Know what? What did he do?" I ask, my curiosity taking over once again. I shouldn't have just given into him, now he'll use this against me. But Luke really do something and not tell me or is Brandon just playing with me? I hope it's not the former but it would most likely be the latter knowing Brandon.

"Chiarra!" I hear someone from behind me yell. I sigh in relief as one of my oldest friends, Crystal, comes running up. I haven't talked to Crystal in what feels like ages; she definitely has to catch up with all my Luke dramas.

"Crystal." Brandon nods his head at her and she scoffs and drags me away from him. I whisper a quiet 'Thank you' to her. When I was dating Brandon, Crystal was never fond of him. I had always wondered why but I didn't want to be rude and ask. I guess I should've taken her actions in and broken up with Brandon, that way he wouldn't have hurt me. Crystal doesn't know what Brandon did to me but she new something was up. She always did.

"Hey! How have you been? I haven't heard from you lately!" I say giving her a hug. It's been forever since we last talked and I need to catch up at least a little.

"Alright, I guess. Some pretty dramatic stuff has been going on but I've gotten through it. How about you? I've heard that you're Ms Hemmings!" She screams and claps her hands. Crystal and I always used to talk about the hot guys at our school and Luke was one of them.

"I know! I'm so happy but next week he's going on tour." I say, my smile dropping a little. She notices and loops her arm through mine.

"Look at the bright side. He'll be back before you know it and it's not like you've broken up! You can still Skype and even though you're not face to face, you're going to have to deal with it. Are you really going to break up with him over this?"

"No. You're right, as always," I say as she playfully flips her blonde hair over her shoulder. I laugh and continue "Yeah, but there are gonna be a million teenage girls constantly wanting his attention!" I cry. She laughs and tells me that he would never cheat on me like that. Crystal has always been good at judging things like this so I take her word for it.

"Anyway, rumors spread that you're going out with Tyler! Is it true?!" I scream as she blushes.

"Maybe?" She asks. I laugh and hug her, so glad that she's found someone. "Anyway, I've gotta go! Talk to you soon and good luck with the Luke problem." She whispers the last part in my ear after pulling me closer. She nods her head in the direction of the road and I turn, wondering why she's staring over there. Luke is sitting in his truck, parked on the side of the road waiting for something.

"Hey babe!" He says confidently. I smile and reply back "Hey!"

I just awkwardly stand there waiting for him to say something.

"Why do you think I'm parked here? Let's go!" He shouts. It's so sweet that even though he got suspended, for one day, he still drove all the way here to pick me up.

"Thank you for picking me up. I was going to have to catch the bus." I say as I get into his truck and we pull away from the school. "Brandon catches that bus too." I say quietly. Bringing him up only makes me think of what he said earlier. Has Luke really kept something from me about his past? I ignore my thoughts and desperately hope that Luke isn't hiding something from me. I just got him back and I don't want to doubt him.

"You ready for this week?" He asks cheerfully. I laugh and he takes my hand.

"Of course. I can't wait!" I need this week with Luke. I need to spend some time with him and the best part is, is that I have a whole week. The worst part is, is that he'll be going on tour afterwards.

"Luke, I need to ask you something." I start. He watches me curiously and nods, indicating for me to continue. "When I was walking out of the school, Brandon ran up to me... and - "

"He didn't hurt you, did he? I swear to God, if he hurt you!" Luke says cutting me off. His whole body tenses and his eyes take in in a look of concern.

"He didn't. He told me something but I want to know if it's true." I say quietly. Luke's body slowly relaxes but only a little.

"What did he say?"

"He said that you did something a while ago and said that it's weird that you didn't tell me." He takes a long pause before speaking and I feel that what Brandon has told me is true.

"He was lying to you Chiarra. I would always tell you if I did something like he's suggesting. I promise you." He smiles slightly and I do too. I trust Luke and I'm glad Brandon was wrong. "Please don't listen to Brandon. He'll only tell you false information. I don't want you doubting me and keeping all this inside. You should be able to talk about it, okay?"

"Sure. Thank you Luke."

"No worries babe."

I feel buzzing coming from the source in my pocket. I pull out my phone and immediately answer it after seeing the Caller ID.

"I'm sorry." Is the first thing I hear. Luke glances my way a few times and I mouth Eureka. He nods and keeps driving as Eureka continues to apologize.

"It's okay. I hate fighting with you."

"Me too. Oh wait, Kat and Elena want to talk to you too. Let me put you on speaker." I wait for a couple of seconds as I hear ruffling on the other end.

"I'm so sorry, Chiarra! I overreacted! And I know that is no excuse but please forgive us." Elena cries. I smile at how cute she sounds. How could they think that I wouldn't forgive them.

"I'm so sorry too! How can I make it up to you?" Kat yells into the phone.

"It's fine guys. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Being my friend again would be the best making up ever."

"Done!" They all agree and we all giggle and laugh.

"Now everyone go have fun with your boyfriends!" I scream into the phone and I watch Luke playfully throw his hands over his ears. I smack him and he grabs back onto the wheel.

"Will do. See you soon!"

"Bye!" I hang up and laugh at Luke's confused expression.

"What was that all about?" He chuckles.

"Ah, girl stuff." I shrug and put my phone away. Luke nods.

"Right. Does that mean I'm not aloud to know?" He asks, putting his hand over his heart.

"Are you a girl?"

"No." He snaps quickly. Wow Luke. Got to keep the manliness, I see.

"Then no. You do not get to know."

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