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Akk is the class president, and Ayan is a new student that he has to take around to get to know every corner of this school. So many clubs here that students must join, only one club for student is allowed.

"Our library is open 24 hours, apart from school students, everyone is allowed to come in here after school hours are over."

Akk stepped back towards the soccer field with Ayan following behind.
This soccer field cannot be used by all school students, only students who enter the club Football is allowed here. After entering the football club's locker room, Akk Bring Ayan to the basketball court.  Then, explained that this place is also like a football field. The main thing is, only club members are allowed to enter each respective region.

"Class president, what club did you join?" Ayan asked. Then, stop walking out of the basketball court.



After going around the school, Akk took Ayan to the cafeteria. Akk again explained that lunch was paid for by the school. Ayan only has to pay if he wants canned drinks and snacks.
This school is very magnificent and has complete facilities. Ayyan complains about walking for almost an hour at this school.
Then now, lunch time was almost over.

"Why don't you have lunch?" Ayan asked.

"I already ate." Akk opened his cellphone, and let Ayan go to bring his lunch on the canteen table.

Akk is an active class president. He takes good care of all his classmates.
Help them in all kinds of studies and also listen to their complaints about life.
Because of that, all classmates respect Akk. He also become an idol at school.

"Thank you." Akk was surprised when he felt the cold cold drink on his cheek. It was Ayan, who gave him a cold drink to thank  for Take Ayan  to all school facilities.

Then after that, Akk notices Ayan who is having lunch. Ayan must be so exhausted, he ate in a bit of hurry.


Someone shouted in the Canteen. It was Khanlong, one of the students in Akk's class who was also his best friend.
Khanlong did not come alone, he came with Thuapu. Thuapu is Akk and Khanlong's new friend, as he is also a new student like Ayan. Thuapu came 2 weeks ago before Ayan.
Khanlong came to tell Akk that recess was about to end, but Ayan is still not done with his lunch, so Ayan tells Akk to go first.

"You know the way to class?" Khanlong asked. This morning, Ayan came late because he couldn't find their class.

"Already, I have a good memory," Said Ayan.

Ayan  left alone in the canteen by Akk and the others.  Then Ayan is back busy with lunch and a ringing cell phone interrupts him. It was a group chat that Ayan just came in, All students seemed to actively exchange messages, including Akk. Then a private chat came in, it was from Akk.
The class president asks Ayan not to rush to class, as it's his first day so being a little late won't be a problem.
Then, an incoming call changes Ayan's phone screen from a chat wall to a call.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now