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The next day Ayyan went to school, a motorbike follows the bus.
On this bus. There is also Akk, with Ayyan sitting across from each other. Akk usually go to school on a bicycle, why is he on the bus now.

This is something that often happens to Ayyan, when even in other schools there are times when it feels like he is being followed by someone. So, he decided not to get off at the bus stop on the way to school. Of course, Akk is also seen not getting off at the bus stop, because he is Ayyan's bodyguard.

"Hasn't the bus stop to your school already been missed?" An aunt spoke in a slightly irritated tone. Seen Ayyan in school uniform  but trying to skip school.

"Come on." Akm pulled Ayaan's hand to get off at the next stop.


Akk led the way, with a gaze focused on his cell phone to contact his older brother, Pupha.
Looking a bit troubled as his phone was also filled with group messages as well as private messages from Khanloung and Tuaphu, both of them asking where he was. Maybe because now it is late for class

And now, the bikes are back.

"You can fight?" Akk asked.

"Sure," Ayan replied, he looked ready to fight them.

But after realizing that there were too many of them to fight, Akk decided to grab Ayyan and run.
That made Ayan sulk, like Akk wasn't a Judo student.
In the midst of their escape from the motorbike chase, Akk lost Ayan.
When Akk returns to find Ayan, he finds the young master fighting some motorbikes. So with his skills as the number one student in Judo, he manages to take control of the fight, with a little help from Ayan who apparently also has a talent for fighting.

However, this seems too much for Ayan, who hasn't practiced Judo in a long time. One of them managed to injure Ayan's head with a wooden blade.
Akk saw that, and he used a rock to injure the biker's head.
Right on target, the motorbike fell and Ayan hit him again. After that, he tried to help Akk to beat other bikers

"Just go!" But, Akk seems to be bothered. He again sees Ayan hurt trying to help him. This time, it was Ayan's back that was hit by the wood.

Because even without Ayan, Akk can beat those two guys. After that, Akk went to check on Ayan's wound, His forehead was already bleeding. Not much, but still worried. Then Pupha, who arrived late told Akk to take Ayan to the car, he had difficul finding Akk and Ayan location.

Ayan wanted to greet Pupha first, but Akk dragged him to the car faster. Even when Ayan asked Akk to slow down a bit, The class president looks at Ayan with a sharp gaze.

"Who are you exactly? How come I never saw you?" Ayyan is still curious, even though he already knows that Akk is part of his family's bodyguard.
But Ayyan is confused, because Usually he will know someone from Pupha or Tian's friends.

"Lend me your phone." Akk ignored Ayyan's question.

Then, Ayyan gave Akk his phone.
Akk uses Ayyan to confirm that he and Akk had a bit of an accident and return home. After the message was sent to their class teacher, Akk then looked at Ayyan. He was curious, how was Ayyan found by them? Could it be because he was being spied on?

"Why didn't you answer my question?" Ayyan asked again.

Ayyan again didn't get Akk's answer, Pupha got into the car first and explained that those who were defeated by Akk would be taken for interrogation. And now, he has to take Ayyan and Akk to the hospital first.
D On the way, Akk then asked about who was chasing Ayyan earlier. Pupha then explained that they were part of the Dami, The mafia.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now