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1 month on, Akk and Ayyan's relationship is strained after Mangkorn's presence. The boy also went to Pupha's friend's  Judo practice, completely unwilling to spend any time with Ayyan.
Thankfully, Mangkorn no longer acted rashly after being warned by Ayyan about not attacking recklessly.
As had been announced, the 11th grade would be going on vacation after the semester exams were over, the sea being the students' choice of destination to unwind.

"Are you going?" Mangkorn took off his shoes first before entering the condo, Ayyan had already entered first and threw his bag on the sofa where Mangkorn had been sleeping.

"Of course, I have to go." Ayyan looked exhausted after spending time practicing soccer as well as Judo.

Mangkorn who saw that understandingly brought him a cold drink from the refrigerator.
Mangkron was actually better than Akk as a bodyguard, although equally sharp in speech, at least he treated Ayyan as he should be treated.
Mangkorn finally sat next to Ayyan, again asking if there was anything Ayyan needed as he was ready to bring it to him.

"Drink this, you're just as tired." Ayyan gave the rest of his drink to Mangkorn. "You could say you're more tired than me."



"Did Akk make a mistake?"

Mangkorn could actually see that Akk had the same skills as him, he had fought with Akk in Judo a while ago, his skills were above average for teenagers like them.

"Are you curious?"

Mangkorn nodded, seemingly unconcerned but actually wondering, what was it that made a tough bodyguard seed like Akk replaced by him? Even though they were both potential future bodyguards, it didn't make sense to just replace them, especially considering Ayyan was not the type of boss who prioritized convenience.

"I made a mistake." Ayyan smiled a little in his Akk-filled reverie, it had been a long time since he had interacted with the chairman due to their respective busy schedules.

Just as Mangkorn wanted to ask further about what Ayyan did wrong, Ayyan immediately changed the topic by saying that he was starving, Mangkorn should immediately buy his food near the Kondo building, there must be many street vendors.

"Call me later." Ayyan took his bag back to the room, he would take a shower and rest while waiting for Mangkorn with the food.


"I'll go, how can I not go?"

Akk was cleaning up some clothes that he would bring for tomorrow morning, Cherry suddenly called him and questioned whether the chairman would come or not.

'Then I'll also go if the chief goes too.'

"Of course you should, I guess this trip will also be included in the grades."

'That makes no sense! We're not on vacation to study!'

Akk chuckled at Cherry's protest, then had to quickly turn off his phone when he heard Pupha's voice knocking on the door.
Like Cherry, Pupha was also questioning his participation in the school vacation activities tomorrow morning.
Apparently he wanted Akk to help Mangkorn in escorting Ayyan, such public places were more prone to attacks on him.

"Why don't you tell him not to come?" Akk suggested.

"He has too many school permits, after all, he has two tough bodyguards who can take care of him." Pupha then left again from the doorstep of Akk's room after thanking him even though Akk had not actually nodded to Pupha's wish.
Akk was one of the organizers of the trip, he distributed the bus seat numbers to each student so that when the bus came they wouldn't fight over it.
Ayyan and Mangkorn got the last bus out of the 3 buses provided, number 13 and 14.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now