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Akk didn't think that if his mother's declining health was caused by her weakness that was no longer able to accept all medical devices, someone must have done it on purpose, trying to kill his mother because Akk couldn't just be killed.
Ayyan had been in the hospital with Akk for 2 hours, not yet  tell to the school or Pupha.
Akk was suddenly sent to the hospital by Kate while he was on his way to school. He was so panicked that he didn't even explain anything to Ayyan about why they were going to the hospital.

"She's fine, isn't she?"

Akk turned his head to Ayyan, then nodded with his hand continuing to hold his mother's hand.
Akk was scared, if he left now would someone attack his mother again?

"We should tell Pupha or Tian then. This is related to the person who attacked you last Sunday, right?"

But Akk once again refused, he couldn't because he would most likely have to be transferred from his school.

"I can't, Pupha will force me to transfer if I tell them about this."

"Your mother will be safe in Tian's hands, I'll ask him to bring some trusted bodyguards to stand guard here," Ayyan suggested. "You and your mother will be fine later."

"And you? Who will take care of you?"

Ayyan blinked his eyes, he suddenly blushed despite knowing Akk's question was very serious.
Mangkorn was the only person he could name, as well as the best bodyguard who was now his best friend.

"How can you trust a new person like that?"

"Why? Mangkorn is a good boy, I'm fine with him." Ayyan came to Mangkorn's defense again. In his eye, Mangkorn was indeed an ideal bodyguard who also acted as a servant, very dexterous as well as skillful with weapons.

"If I say that he is bad for your family, you wouldn't believe me, would you?"

"If you have proof of course I will believe you."

Ayyan felt that if Akk had been talking about Mangkorn since last night, now Akk was targeting Mangkorn as someone from Daemi's group?
No way, Mangkorn was brought from an orphanage and his life was never far from Ayyan's family life, he had no time to betray.
Even if he did, Ayyan should have died at Mangkorn's hands long ago.
Ayyan and Akk decided to go back to school even though they knew it was very late, but maybe the teacher would give leniency if Akk told the truth about his mother's situation.
Ayyan got off the motorcycle and gave his helmet to Akk, after Akk accepted it Ayyan continued his footsteps to the teacher's room as planned with Akk.
Akk also went after him, on the way the two of them looked equally silent, the last conversation they had outside Akk's mother's room was the reason why the two of them were like this.

"I'm not forcing you to believe, but I will prove it." Akk briefly held back Ayyan's arm as he was about to enter the teacher's room.

Ayyan sighed after he decided to enter the room first.
Ayyan was furious when Akk accused Mangkorn of being the perpetrator of his attack in Pattaya also a few days ago, where Akk finally told him that he was attacked for the second time but chose to keep quiet for fear of being transferred.
But after seeing what happened to his mother, it meant that Mangkorn's attacks were even more dangerous.
Ayyan couldn't believe it, Mangkorn was clearly with him when Akk was attacked in Pattaya, as well as today. Mangkorn was taken out of town by Pupha, how could he suddenly be here to attack Akk's mother.

"Although i understands your reasoning, you guys should still accept the punishment, is that okay?"

Akk and Ayyan nodded. Both of them were sentenced to clean the boys' toilet  as well as a deduction of marks for two subjects.
Since Akk and Ayyan came to school during break time, it would be difficult for them to clean the toilets faster due to the large number of students going in and out of there.
They also talked about Akk arriving late, then skipping class yesterday, and when he failed to stop Mangkorn.
Akk overheard, but chose to remain deaf until Tuaphu and Khanloung came to clean up after them.  How could they say bad things about someone just because of one mistake when Akk had done probably a thousand good things for the school, especially class 11.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now