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Happy reading!!

If it was not only Mangkorn who had the green hanger, then Akk should not only suspect Mangkorn as the perpetrator of the attack on him. Because if not him, then Khanloung should be suspected as well.
Ayyan thought so because this person fit the criteria of a likely perpetrator.
Ayyan followed Khanloung secretly, the boy was told by the teacher to bring the volleyball in the club room.
If Akk refused to suspect them, then Ayyan would.

Khanloung was someone who trained to be a Judo athlete, maybe after this Ayyan would find out more information about Khanloung and his family.
Khanloung was one of the richest kids in school, he always mentioned that his parents were successful businessmen. It was possible that his family had ties to Ayyan's parents' company or worse, they had ties to Daemi.


Unfortunately, Ayyan accidentally dropped his cell phone when he saw Khanloung from the entrance.

"You were told to check on me?"

"I was just bored so I followed you," Ayyan replied and went to approach Khanloung.

"Is this it?" He asked as he took the volleyball from Khanloung's hand.

Khanloung just nodded as he looked at Ayyan in surprise, why didn't he call out to him along the way then?
But after that Khanloung was immediately distracted from his wonderment as Ayyan invited him to play after school.

"But we still have to go Judo practice first."

"Of course, you and Akk will be in the competition."

"Let's watch a movie instead? Let's take Akk and Tuaphu too."

The small talk continued until they finally reached the soccer field, this time it was sports lessons and Volleyball was something the students had been enjoying lately.
Too bad there was no club for Volleyball, there were too many clubs to take care of and Volleyball only included a few enthusiasts so it was difficult to develop.

"Let's split into two teams, before we warm up first."

Akk and Ayyan were separated by teams of players.
Akk joined Khanloung while Ayyan teamed up with Tuaphu.
The game was a lot of fun. For a moment, both Ayyan and Akk seemed to be enjoying life as students should.
Their focus was no longer on who was behind Akk's attack, or how Tian would solve the problem with Daemi.
It's just Ayyan and Akk having fun to win the game, where the prize is a few boxes of pizza from the teacher.
There were laughs and arguments exchanged to add to the excitement of the game, the cheers of the students who were not playing also added to the players' enthusiasm.


Tuaphu rushed over to Ayyan who had been hit by Khanloung's smashing ball.
Ayyan's nose was bleeding with a slight headache, although he said that it was not too bad the game was still stopped and the winner was won by Ayyan's team.

"Why aren't you careful? You wanted to win so badly, didn't you?"

Akk looked worried as the teacher started helping Ayyan to stop the bleeding from his nose. When the teacher asked if there was anyone with tissues, Akk immediately raised his hand. "Can I bring it to the infirmary?"

"Alright, chief. You take him to the infirmary."


"Do you have a headache?"

"A little."

Akk painstakingly pressed Ayyan's forehead several times with an ice cube wrapped in a cloth.
His gaze full of worry, he also repeatedly changed the wad of tissue on Ayyan's nose when he felt it was too dirty to block his nose.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now