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Early in the morning Khanloung had sent a message to the class group asking Mangkorn, Ayyan, and Akk to go to Pupha's friend's Judo practice. Mangkorn replied to Khanloung that he and Ayyan had soccer practice today, and would most likely be at the Judo practice after lunch. It wasn't just Mangkorn and Ayyan who couldn't make it, Akk also replied to Khanloung that he would come at noon as his body was a little uncomfortable.
Ayyan who was watching the group chat while enjoying his breakfast became a little worried, Akk was probably overworked as the class president in Pattaya was also given the task of escorting him there, no wonder the president was now sick.

"Are you done yet? Pran keeps telling us to hurry to school," Mangkorn said and the two left without finishing their breakfast.
Akk was seen trying to apply wound medicine to his chest, last night luckily Pupha left again and Akk was able to clean the wound comfortably, then today he decided to use a bandage around his chest as well as his left shoulder, then find a way to keep it hidden when wearin Judo clothes later.

"There are many places why that bastard should target my chest." Akk kept repeatedly staring at his bandaged body, feeling that he wouldn't be able to hide it unless he wore a t-shirt again before putting on the dobok -a special Judo outfit-.

Akk sat quietly on his bed again, after this he planned to return to the hospital and go to Judo  practice after lunchtime like Ayyan and Mangkorn.
Since last night Akk was thinking of going alone to solve his problem with enemy Tian.
Akk felt that the person who attacked him last night would not keep changing like the one who attacked Ayyan.
Most of them never bothered to wear concealing clothes, but the person who attacked Akk didn't seem to want to be recognized by him, especially since he had skills in Judo.

"He even knows the hospital where my mom was treated, or did he actually target me before going to Pattaya?"

He was busy thinking, when he heard the doorbell being pressed.
Akk hurriedly came out of the room with alertness, he even prepared his folding knife behind his back.

"Mr. Akk?"

Akk nodded as he opened his door to find a food courier.

"Here's your order," he handed over two plastic bags of porridge and snacks, but Akk declined as he hadn't ordered them and thought the courier had the wrong address.

"I was right, this is from Mr. Ayyan's delivery." The courier then showed proof of Ayyan's order addressed to him, the courier was even told by Ayyan to buy Akk medicine as a note.

Akk immediately went back into the house after receiving the food, he looked at the food on the table with a smile.
After Ayyan fell in love with him like this and Akk had to move out? No way, he just needed to meddle deeper into Tian's main problem to save his life and if possible Ayyan's life too.


Ayyan smiled a little when Akk's message sending a photo of food as well as the phrase 'received.' Ayyan's mood suddenly becoming more energized, he returned to the field with the others when Pat called for them to resume their training session.
In the middle of the soccer training session, Tonhon and his two lackeys came to watch the soccer team.
Ayyan saw them but he didn't bother, their business was long over anyway. Maybe they just wanted to watch.

"He keeps looking at you." Mangkorn approached Ayyan with his gaze focused on Tonhon.
Mangkorn knew who Tonhon was from Tuaphu and Khanloung, they mentioned that Tonhon used to have dealings with Ayyan and Akk, but fortunately Tonhon was tired of provoking Akk and Ayyan's anger, so he stopped bothering them.

But Mangkorn felt that Tonhon still had business with Ayyan, so he returned Tonhon's stare because Ayyan really didn't care about him.
Tonhon who was responded to by Mangkorn then laughed, after Akk there was now another freak protecting Ayyan from him, the senior stood up from the spectator seats and walked closer to the side of the field where the players' bags were left, Tonhon took out his orange juice drink, drank it a little before finally spilling the orange juice bottle into Ayyan's bag.

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now