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Akk's initially slow footsteps became faster, he put his cell phone into the small bag he was carrying, then his feet turned into an alley  make the two men who had been following him.
When they entered, Akk immediately pulled out his Judo Move.
These two men were not random, not only could their martial arts skills be considered professional, but they were also carrying knives, so Akk was more careful in his every move.
This alley was not a dead-end alley, so after confirming that Akk himself could not fight them with his bare hands, he ran and was chased by them.
Earlier, Akk had asked Mangkorn for help to check on Ayyan who was in his room alone.

No matter how Ayyan was doing, Akk had to first save himself who had suddenly become their target as well.
Akk kept running to reach at least a crowded area, they usually wouldn't dare to do anything that would involve the police but damn, all the way Akk ran was a deserted alleyway.

" you asshole!" One of the two men managed to catch Akk, they got back into a fierce fight where Akk became a little overwhelmed because he didn't have any weapons.

But luckily, out of nowhere came Mangkorn with his long iron, saving Akk by waving his staff in all directions.
There was Ayyan here too, acting against the other men with his bare hands just like Akk.
Ayyan didn't know that these hitmen carried knives so when he attacked, the man managed to cut his arm.

"Get away!" A heel strike to the side of the villain's head from Akk knocked him down, the chief immediately helped Ayyan up and returned to attacking him together.

"I can take care of this, you take Ayyan away." Mangkorn stood in front of Akk and Ayyan when he saw the other two men coming after him.

"We can do this together," Akk replied and prepared to stand beside Mangkron.

"We need to get Ayyan away from them, you go with him." Mangkorn pushed Akk back.

Akk was worried as he saw Mangkron's clothes bleeding from the side of his stomach, but what he said was true.
So he went to pull Ayyan to escape and let Mangkorn once again fight the two men.
But apparently one of the men managed to escape Mangkron and chased Ayyan as well as Akk.
Now at 12pm, no one would know that they were fighting for their lives.
Akk took the time to fight the man, but Ayyan immediately pulled Akk back to run after Akk managed to knock him out once.

Ayyan took Akk away behind an empty building, and brought him into a room without a door.
Their breathing sounded very fast and noisy.

"I-mmph." Ayyan immediately covered Akk's lips when he sensed that he had discovered their hiding place.

Akk, who was leaning against the wall with Ayyan in front of him, ended up looking at Ayyan, who looked worried as the sound of footsteps seemed to be getting closer.
Akk gently touched Ayyan's hand covering his mouth, then stroked it to calm Ayyan down a little.


"Is Mangkorn okay?"

Ayyan and Akk decided to remain silent in the dimly lit room.
Ayyan was worried about Mangkorn who had fought off most of the criminals earlier, especially since he had received injuries that were most likely very severe.

"Here," Akk handed Ayyan his cell phone and showed a message from Mangkorn if he managed to defeat them all and go to the hospital by himself.

Ayyan breathed a sigh of relief, it meant they could return now to the hotel or go see Mangkorn.

"Why are you out in the middle of the night like this?" Ayyan asked, he didn't even know Akk was out because he had gone to bed.

"Cherry has a fever, I need to buy her some medicine."

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now