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"No one will move in here."

Akk placed a small plaster on Ayyan's cheekbone. Then rubbing it gently, his eyes met Ayyan's with a lopsided smile.

"No one needs to run away."

After that, Akk lowered his hand to touch the wound on Ayyan's shoulder, starting to turn blue in spots.

He gently stroked it again, skillfully applying ointment to the wound.

'Then that's how the past will end, do you understand?'

Ayyan did not understand, so he just silently stared at Akk who suddenly became more heartfelt for him.




Still with difficulty Ayyan tried to get out of bed, he was starving and someone had already prepared his breakfast at the study table.


'You just woke up?


"Tian, what about my transfer or Akk?"

'Nothing was done, he refused to move and forbade me to move you.'

Ayyan frowned in surprise, Ayyan thought Akk was just bragging last night apparently he really had talked to Tian.

'Ayyan, you should be nicer to Akk, understand?'

Ayyan just sighed and nodded again while muttering that he had been doing that all along. After turning off his call with Tian, Ayyan just realized that there were several messages on his phone, mostly from the class group messages the rest were from Khanloung and Akk.


Akk: Eat when you're awake, I'll come over after school.

Just as Ayyan was again surprised by Akk's treatment, a knock on the door at Kondo made him get up and go to open it.

Akk, Tuaphu, and Khanloung came in with several bags of food.

Ayyan may not have had time to read Khanloung's message, he would be coming to Ayyan's Kondo today to visit him with Akk and Tuaphu.

"That's great, still in high school and already renting a condo." Khanloung immediately wandered over after being let in by Ayyan.

"You don't look like a sick person," Tuaphu said and then looked in horror at the several bruises on Ayyan's face.

Tuaphu gave Ayyan the snacks he bought on the street and wished him well as he returned to school soon, the semester exams were about to start.

After that Tuaphu went to arrest Khanloung who had gone too far just because of the phrase 'think of it as your home.'

"Tian told me to go see him with you." Akk also finally entered Ayyan's condo after standing in front of the entrance for a long time.

"Tell him that I have some business so I can't go," he continued later.


After 30 minutes, Akk finally left Ayyan's condo. Meanwhile, Khanloung and Tuaphu were still engrossed in Ayyan's PlayStation.

"Loung, where did Akk go?" Ayyan who had been curious could finally ask Khanloung, he felt strange talking to Akk at this time.

"He went to the hospital to see Luk's father, I don't think it's good." Tuaphu answered.

"Why?" Ayyan asked back after seeing Tuaphu's face turn even more glum.

"He's getting worse by the day."

Personal Bodyguard. (AkkAyan) EndingWhere stories live. Discover now