Chapter 66 - Ella

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"What?— No, I'm not shooting him!" I shouted.

"She can prove it on one of your men, then we can have even sides." Oliver suggested, still keeping his gun aimed at one of the men behind Nicolas.

"That will make no difference, even when outnumbered, you have a low chance of taking us down." he said, looking back over at me, "She can't even shoot a gun."

I aimed my gun back at the other man beside him and pulled the trigger. He groaned in pain, falling to the floor a few seconds later while holding his hand over the wound.

To my surprise, Nicolas shot him, killing him completely with a smile on his face. He was unfazed, he liked this kind of stuff. Why wasn't I surprised?

"Looks like I have underestimated you, beautiful." he said, looking back at me.

"Don't call me that."

He started walking over to me, making me back up in panic. I didn't want him to hurt me, I should have just kept my mouth shut. But just then, Oliver ran up and hid me behind his back with his gun on Nicolas' chest.

"Don't touch her."

Nicolas lowered himself down a bit and stared at Oliver, grabbing his face and moving it for better views on him. I wanted to push him away, but Oliver kept me back from making any sudden movements.

"I never realized how nice your eyes were, is it a family thing?" Nicolas asked.

He pushed his hand away from his face, "Just tell us what you want so we can get this over with." Oliver said.

"I came here for you actually. Grayson was coming for Ella but things happened so he couldn't come, so I'm here for both of you now." he answered, still smiling.

My heart took a slight pause, my head filled with tons of shit. Grayson was coming for me, but he had Lucifer already. What happened over there? Please don't tell me he did something bad to Lucifer.

"Not happening, we won't be heading anywhere with you."

"Well, it's not like you really have a choice. You have no where to go, correct? Your car is ruined."

"I can easily call someone or just text them our location, you'd be surprised what technology can do." Oliver said in a sarcastic tone.

Nicolas put the gun to Oliver's head, "Someone's feeling rather smart today, hm?"

"Nicolas, don't hurt him." I said from behind Oliver.

He looked over his shoulders and stared at me for a while, looking up and down my body with a grin on his face. I already felt uncomfortable, knowing what he was probably thinking.

"I was starting to miss you, Ella."

"I never missed you, I miss the old you though."

"Oh Ella, this was the 'old me', I just never showed it to you. Remember the conversations we had on how I got my money? This is it, I've been doing this for such a long time undercover." he said, turning his head to Oliver, "That's why this one didn't notice me at your workplace."

I frowned, thinking about all the nice memories I made with him growing up. Every nice thing he's ever said and done for me, it was all just a lie. It was a distraction. It meant nothing.

"So you just lied to me for years so I wouldn't lead on from suspicion?" I asked, trying my best not to break.

"Well yes, but I also wanted to find a way for you to join. Then you just had to fall in love with the rivalry and I took advantage of that. If it wasn't for you, we would have never have gotten this far."

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