Chapter 1- Hews and Cities

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Walking through the freezing, winter terrain of the Nightcourt, I wished I brought more layers. Not used to the brightness of daylight, we traveled by night. The urge to start at the sky was hard to overcome but I didn't have time to stare. Velaris was far from the Hewn City when you can't fly like an Illyrian, or winnow like the rest of the High Fae. Father traveled with me of course. No female is allowed to travel alone if at all, yet he'd leave me before we step into the city. He as one of the lords could winnow, yet wanted me to think long and hard about my choice as Keir had instructed him.

Soon I'll be warm among the streets of the Dream Court. Most in the Hewn City hated that our own Highlord called it that. However, for many who craved an escape from Hewn City, Velaris quickly became a dream. A dream I managed to make happen. For years, I would beg my cousins to steal me away to where ever they went. As our Highlord, and the other part of his inner circle, it would not have been hard for them to do. Yet they would say it would endanger me should anyone in Hewn City discover their whereabouts.

How it angered me when cousin Rhysand told of another City, one of Starlight, outside! Still, I begged cousin Mor one last time to let me go knowing it was open to us. We had a terrible argument as she angered me the most. She knew what it was like here, especially for females, especially females like me... How could she look me in the eye and tell me no without even asking our cousin the Highlord? It wasn't until after the war with Hybern, Morrigan informed me the Highlord and Highlady finally agreed for me to visit.

Once I was to be marked an "unless female", I tried once to escape to their house on the top of the mountain. Hoped I'd learn too much for them to let me go back. Yet, I barely made it through the street before Keir and the darkbringers caught me. I was not told they were supposed to be there in the city that day. Keir slapped me for having him pulled from the meeting, looking at my father explaining my disloyalty to Hewn City and my wild nature had to be controlled. I was to be marked immediately. No more waiting! I had little time to scream and plead forgiveness before having the darkbringers dragging me into the square, handing my father a burning marker.

Lord Thanatos was not like my uncles, the other lords, not like Uncle Lord Keir. They all had mercy to a point, but my father was too soft for Hewn City. Having a daughter like me was a problem. Especially since my mother died birthing me leaving him without a male heir. Lord Keir urged him to remarry but no female was worthy in my father's eyes. The lords hoped I would marry well and be better than my mother. At least baring a male before dying. Yet, to everyone's horror, my cycle never came. My father convinced them to give me time in case I was just late before marking me useless. But, there was a point we knew that day would never come.

I rubbed the back of my hands for warmth. Feeling the marks from that day. Large scared Xs marked the back of my hands as those of a useless, powerless, infertile female.

"Recite the plan once more before we arrive Cyra," my father stopped to look at me. We had the same strawberry blonde hair though mine had a slightly darker hint of caramel brown at my roots and curled like my mother's. Living under a mountain and rarely, if ever, leaving made our skin pale and our veins show. His hazel eyes stared gently into my amber ones.

"Search their libraries for when Velaris was founded, find anyone who might remember. Discover if there is anything particularly remarkable hidden there. Like an artifact or person of great power, we are not already aware of..." I remarked skipping over he wanted me to learn. Reciting only what Keir told me to do. Spy out as much as I can.

Since most in the Hewn City refuse to visit Velaris out of spite for keeping it hidden, only those who wish to escape its ways leave and are not reliable for information. The only reason I agreed to spy was so Keir would let me go at all knowing my cousins would have asked, but not come to get me if I didn't show up.

"Yes, yes, that is what is expected of you. However, remember to find any information on the dusk court! It is very important to me child...," his hands were placed on my shoulder, "...myth or otherwise." My father always had an unhealthy obsession with the myths of the famed lost Dusk Court. Many days were spent listening to his theories about where it is, who might know about it, and why it was lost as I did my chores. I know them by heart, yet never believed them. Since he was my father and kinder than any other males I know, so I would entertain his obsession. Payment for not turning me out of the house after I was marked as other fathers would.

"As I promised, I shall do father," I lowered my head in respect. His expression never changed as father turned, continuing to walk into the dark.

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