Chapter 14-Daughter of Thanatos

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"Cyra, what are you highfae powers?" Was all that echoed in my head... This was it, I would be sent back. Back to Hewn City, where I will be beaten and left to rot. Worse, they would exploit my Highfae powers on the chance I'm a Highlady.

The earth began to quake again, and Morrigan became angry at Rhysand, "Rhysand, she needs to leave! If news of this gets out..."

"NO!!! They'll kill me unless I can get more herbs to supress my power. I'm a threat with my power. Without them I'm only a useless female only good for beating and housework for males without a wife...Send me back, they might kill me anyway," I lossed all sense of pose, of holding back from these Fae.

Rhysand became fearful, not of me, of...I don't know. "Cy, you will not go back, but it is not safe for you or others in Velaris, possibly even the Nightcourt till you can control your powers."

"I....I CAN'T! I was never allowed to use them and took too many herbs... They must have faded out of my system..."

Elain came over and hugged me. It was Feyre who spoke this time, "Cyra, please tell us what your powers are. We can train you as they did for me. Though my powers were just awaking and still are, I'm sure we could figure it out."

"Where are we going to send her then? She can not stay here!" Cassian and Azriel had to calm Morrigan down. Cassian reminded her it was better for me that it happened here than in Hewn.

Realizing they only wanted to help, understand, or simply negotiate...If I play my cards right, I could be truly free. I needed to calm down, but it was hard. "I don't know... I don't know what my powers are beyond small earthquakes and throwing stones without touching them. The earthquakes I did not know about till today. Father... caught me with the stones in the air when I was much younger and given me herbs since to stop my powers. Where he got them...I don't know, nor how, but he stopped giving them to me. Since my powers never came back...All my life, I have been a useless, powerless female, but it keeped me alive on hope that would change someday. Now, all it is is a death sentence, but power and purpose are an execution. Whether Father knew what kind of powers I had, though enough about it, I don't know. Even when i learned of the Duskcourt's powers, I thought but could not believe he knew it connected to me."

"Or maybe it was because of you... Your father is better than the other males there but still considers you his own. Enough not to let go of communications or risk your life keeping you in Hewn," Rhysand spoke like he was revealing a secret, "When he learned we were going to take you to Velaris, what Keir planned to make you do we made a bargin...Morrigan and I. For years before..Her..he has been a spy in the court of nightmares under Azriel's command. He has been valuable when learning Hewn's activities. Of course, some things are better done by one's self, but after when it became harder to go there. Your father has never been more imperative."

Morrigan was finally calm, "It is not that I don't want you here, never that I did not want you here, Cyra. Uncle Thanatos swore he could keep you safe in Hewn. Everything he did was for your mother and you. For the hope of a better version of Hewn or at least make it a bit better on women there. However, he wasn't the same after under the mountain, most likely because of your mothers death. His goal never changed. However, Rhysand told this to me, and I feel it is time to tell you. Your mother was very loud about women's rights in Hewn City. Keir only ever called it rebelliousness and bad behavior, but it empowered me when I did not want to marry Eris. I know I don't have the same fire, but I can help you."

"Morrigan, the rest should come from me," Rhysand interupted, "Once she became pregnant, she asked me if it was a girl to help try to get her out from under the mountain. Your father was not there when you were born. I slipped into the mind of the midwife and got her to tell everyone it was a boy, but it was dead. That way, if he met you later in life, it would be harder for him to realize who you are. However, since Thanatos line would be preserved through his son. Keir took the opportunity to kill your mother before Thanatos got to where she gave birth. The midwife too for lying since he said you with your mother before we could get you out. He told your father she died giving birth and gave you to him. I never told Thanatos the truth out of fear he would try to kill Keir and die in the process. Thanatos lost a lot of what ambition he had to help people in Hewn without your mother. He was as broken as his heart. I could not risk more lives that night as long as you were...generally safe. But Keir always had a strange like to you. Like you were gold in the hands of a begger to trade for the finest food he could get. I never understood why ither than maybe he knew about your power. Otherwise, I'm clueless. You know the rest anyway." He tried to do all that but rarely helped me since under the mountain.

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