Chapter 5-Dinner Preparations

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With no idea as to when supper was supposed to be, I sat in the room I enter the house in well before when father usually dined. Sat on a couch facing the balcony to wait for the circle to get here. I wanted to go to the library this place had, but that could wait.

I prepared myself for when I would meet the Inner Circle. Based on what I observed and what I learned from others about them. This could be very tense and awkward, or very casual and almost fun.

I decided to wear a dark red, wool sweater to make my hair stand out and black pants. I was not a stranger to wearing pants. Sometimes it got very cold in some places of Hewn City being underground. Females often wore pants under their dresses to keep their legs warm. It was much more comfortable without the extra fabric over them.

Must have fallen asleep at some point, as it was dark now. What time do these people eat? Maybe I could walk down to their townhouse? Getting up and going to my room to find footwear. I walked from one end of the night court to the other, how hard could a couple of thousand stairs be? Besides, it would be nice to go out without male company.

Returning to the balcony with my boots on. I looked out over the city to make sure where the path to the townhouse was. Leaning against the railing, was my cousin the Highlord, Rhysand!

"Change of plans Cyra. We wanted to take you to a restaurant for supper. Then a place called Rita's after if you are up for it. All of us except Mor, who thought a slow transition might be, easier for you. However, what I know of you and how badly you wanted to be here, which we will discuss later. That it may not be the best choice. She asked it to be left up to you," his voice so casual as if we were old friends, yet with the same mask he wore in Hewn City till one of his Circle does something to cause it to fall. He never uncrossed his arms, yet his wings were tucked so carefully that I almost missed them.

"I was just about to go out myself and look for you. Shame to put all the effort in for nothing," I bowed my head yet raised my eyebrow.

He laughed, "You always did have a bit of a hidden sharpness to your tongue despite where you come from. Perhaps you should meet Feyre's sister Nesta one of these days. If she can be found of course...," he trailed off. Off he pushed from the rail and walked right beside me offering an arm and whispering, "I wish I found the time to know you better before Cyra..."

I took his arm, "I thought we were going to discuss that later?"

Rhysand straightened and walked us further onto the balcony, "Yes, but I needed you to know before I could sit and enjoy a meal with you, cousin. Shall we? Everyone is already on their way if not there."

"At least you have the decency to ask instead of grabbing me and taking off."

An amused chuckle left his throat, "Cassian was...not himself, figured you wouldn't want him to fly you and fight him about going up. So instead of fighting, he didn't want to give you the chance. That and him being drunk, his first thought was, let's just go. Don't worry, he's sobered up now and Mor scolded him for his behavior earlier. There is this female you see..."

"Oh, still not an excuse, but I understand. Anyway, best not keep everyone waiting," I managed a forced smile at him. I was dreading this dinner and wanted it over with. Despite things, it was nice to talk with Rhysand. Maybe he came to get me because of Cassians's behavior, but maybe he wanted to feel me out before letting me wander his city, and eat with his friends, and his family.
Those large wings unfolded and he gathered me in his arms. Rhysand ask if I was okay to which I nodded and off we went.

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