Chapter 6-A Court of Politeness and Pleasantries

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I didn't get much of a chance to look too hard at where we were. The effects of winnowing had me retching on the street, and to both our horror, cousin Rhysand.

"Are you alright?" Rhysand studied my face and started to rub my back causing me to tense. He got the hint and took his hand off, "Does that happen often?"

I gasped for air as I focused on the stones of the street. The way the white stones reflected the moon's glow was beautiful despite some of them being covered in my vomit. "Only when I winnow. You can ask cousin Mor...though I was only dizzy then. I apologize for your pants and shoes..." I gasped, breath starting to even.

Rhysand waved his hands and the vomit was gone from himself and the streets, "Don't worry about it, Cy. You still want to eat?"

I winced at the nickname as I stood straighter to look at him, "Yes, it has passed."

He leads me into a restaurant almost too small for the large group. Especially with the three male wings in the way. Pushing her way through must be the restaurant owner who placed a kiss on Rhysand's cheek and then went to do the same with me.

My hands went to stop the woman but I pressed them back to my side. I stood shaking slightly at the stranger's contact. Women other than Morrigan never touched me on purpose unless they wish to be like me. "I have not met you before, but if you are with these faes, you will have only the best service here. What is your name?"

I was still nervous and forgot myself, giving a formal introduction, "Cyra, daughter of Thanatos. I am one of Rhysand and Morrigan's cousins."
The woman looked confused, "I do not know who your father is but if you are related to must be from the Court of Nightmares..."

She stepped back a bit but still spoke with friendliness, "I am glad you came here, now you can know the true delight of Velaris' food. I bet you are relieved to temporarily escape from that place. She was already walking in the direction of what I guess is the kitchen before I could say anything more about the way she emphasized temporary.

Turning to Rhysand he looked concerned, "Perhaps until people are more used to you being here, just say you are close to us and come from one of the villages outside Velaris."

Fine, lie to protect me and your precious reputation like people don't know you have relations to Hewn City. "Take a seat here next to me."

Everyone ignored me as I did as he instructed. I focused on Morrigan who was talking to a female named Feyre seated on the other side of Rhysand. Our Highlady, the first of Prythian, and curse breaker. Cassian sat next to Morrigan listening to the women. Amren at the end of the table was picking her nails. The shadow singer was focused on the female next to me, who was commenting on flowers decorating the table. I did not know who she was.

Turning to me she waved, "I'm Elain, Feyre's sister. Nice to meet you." The king slayer and seer of Prythian! One of Feyre's two older sisters. She was a lot more bubbly than her title suggested.

"Cyra," I nodded shaking her hand.
She stared for a little too long, tapping the shadow singer on the shoulder who went rigged at the sight and disappeared, "What happened to your hand?"

I held up my other, "Hands. I don't think you want to hear that story."

Her smile was genuine and concerned. "I hope you like it here. I do not know much of the other city, but I heard bad things about it from Feyre and Azriel here." She gestured to the shadow singer who reappeared at some point. He only nodded in greeting to which I returned. Still staring at my hands, making me place them under the table. Looking around, some of the others listened to us.

"I imagine the stories were all terrible but it is better in some ways. It was better than other places, too than stories suggest."

"What do you mean?"

"Terrible as it people maybe, there are some that once you leave public eyes, are rather kind, relaxed people. The city may be hidden from the sun but it is well-lit with magic and light crystals that legends say were mined right from the walls of the mountain. The houses and buildings have carvings of terrible creatures but they are terrifyingly beautiful. An art someone used to create long ago," I looked at the curse breaker at the last words, appearing to her love of art.

Feyre replied, "I remember some of those cravings. They seemed to watch you as you walk. As for art, I guess it is in its own way. I wouldn't want to meet the artist though." This made some at the table laugh or chuckle. It put me at ease but I kept my guard up.

"Tortured artists are often the best," I remarked turning back to Elain. The markets are plentiful but often busy, no different from here I imagine. If you look past the people to see the city itself, it is not so bad. Also, despite it being the inspiration, it is more hauntingly beautiful than under the mountain and a lot fewer blood stains the walls," I added sarcasm to imply it was a joke but everyone stiffened.

Elain lend back a bit as Rhysand put his hand off my shoulder speaking quickly, "It is better but for those who were actually under the mountain, the walls cave in the same. Anyway, here comes our food."

I don't remember ordering but a plate of fruits in a cream or custard was placed before me, "I have a knack for knowing what guests want. You seem like someone who loves fruit and the custard is to fatten you up some." She was not wrong, it looked good, but so did the other plates. I wish I could have made the choice. I thanked her for the food anyway.

As everyone started to eat, I turned to Rhysand and spoke softly but everyone could still hear me, "I was under that mountain too Rhysand. I was born there. For me, terrible as it is, Hewn City was better than there, anything was. Apologies if none of you realize that they are not the same, and hearing it is hard. But some of us did have a choice about where we went after. Some of us had no time to let the walls cave in." He stopped eating and shadow crept around him but didn't look at me. Feyre's eyes are on him. He turned to her and went back to eating, shrugging the shadows away. His mate did the same.

Feyre placed her hand on his. I didn't look at the others but I knew how to quit it was, I hit a nerve. Not caring much since they had to, I finished my meal.

"She is not coming to Rita's," Mor stated not even looking up, "Or I'm not going." Why was she angry? What was so special about this place that my cousin didn't want me there? I guess I wouldn't know as Rhysand agreed, that was Morrigan's place. If she didn't want me there, he wouldn't take me. Out of politeness and not wanting to stay out much longer with them, I said nothing else.

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