Chapter 19- Immortals in the Mortal Lands

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I excited the bathing room, now clothes in mortal fashions. The amount of ruffles they wear is ridiculous. No doubt, a showy display of wealth over beauty and mortal fashion rarely displayed skin.

Everyone is waiting for me outside. "Wow...Tamlin, now would be a good time to compliment her clean hair!" Lucien nudged Tamlin, who only rolled his eyes and growned.

We walked to the wall, and Vassa asked fifty some questions about my life. Most ofm which I vaguely anwser to reveal little more than she already knew. One such question was how I viewed the night court in general. I refused to answer, simply sighing and walking ahead. Tamlin glanced back curiously at this. He qiuckly looked away after making eye contact. Vassa went on to walk with Jurian, holding hands. Clearly, they're lovers.

We came to the wall. Taller than a giant in the areas not damaged. A hole is barely big enough to walk through. A carriage awaited on the other side. "Your coach, how drives it?" I inquired.

"Mortal allies, obviously." Jurian snickered.

The way the humans bowed and called us masters without being glamoured. Children of the Blessed, no doubt. Based on Briar's explanation of their beliefs. The carriage ride was ruff as no formal roads existed out here. At one point, I was thrown into Tamlin's lap as he sat across from me.

"If you are trying to flirt with him, sweety, good luck to you. He is a prickly one," Vassa teased. Lucien helped me sit back up to my seat. I glared daggers at her. This seemed to make Jurian smile, "If you want to kill her, wait till we are out of the carriage." Tamlin was shocked but said nothing and only looked back out the window. I prick indeed.


The manor was large and out of the way. A bit fancy for the self proclaimed Band of Exiles, but not so much for high fae like Tamlin, Lucien, and Vassa. It was Jurian in his home lands, who was looking like a stain on a vintage rug. Too human, and too rugged to be associated with this place. Yet, it was where it was from. Same as my existence under the mountain.

Apparently, they stay away from any villages. Makes sense since many mortals don't welcome fae. Just as many think they could kill us if they had the chance. Since some can, it is best to avoid all mortals.

Despite the manors size, there were no staff. Everything was done either by magic or oneself. Because of this, everyone had their own thing to do as soon as we arrived. Lucien stayed back to inform me of me new lodgings. "Your room is upstairs to the left, seventh door. The dining hall is the main floor, to the right, after the kitchen. The sitting room is to the left, main floor." That was it? All the direction I got as he walked into the door.

I was about to enter after him when a bush rustle off in the distance. Followed by some hushed noises. Humans are not subtle, especially human children. Figuring they could see me, I waved. I was right as I heard a faint gasp and some whispering. Someone walked out of the house behind me, and I ignored it, focused on the bush. I made a hush gesture and pointed to my ears to let them know I could hear them. I heard them debate coming up to me but ran off instead. I could see them for a moment before the trees covered them. Two boys and a girl.

"Hopefully, their parents or other ignorant mortal fae hunters come sniffing around now," Tamlin growled. I did not expect it to be him who came out.

"Hope not. Still, not many bother to listen to the words of children," I turned to look at him. "Surely you didn't come out here to see me. You knew they were their too?"

"Of course. Mortals are terrible loud. Especially to a high lord. Stick out like black dot on a white canvas," his face shrunk. More than before, which astonished me.

"Well, that's a face?"

Tamlin huffed, "Just had a...sad thought."

"Oh, because she paints? Or is my assumption wrong?" I raised my brow at him.

Tamlin stared blankly, "Yes, you were correct, but also wrong. In a brief moment of sobriety, I remembered you. Your hair is not easy to forget. To bright and colorful for that place's datkness to hid you, 'Her' favorite handmaiden. Why on The Mothers Green Earth..." Tamlin was at a loss for words. He stalked towards me with suspicion, protective instinct, and even a little fear in his eyes.

I did not expect his reaction, but I understand a little better now. Tamlin was not just depressed Feyre left him. He was haunted by the trauma Amarantha left. Same as all of us. Same as me.

"Lucien realized too. Know that I was young and told my whole goal in life was to meet her needs. I was born there..." he stopped, "...raised thinking if I didn't obey, I'd die there too. I hated her just as much as you. Moreover, I hated those who taught me otherwise. Once I served no purpose, I paid for what she and others made me do."

He regarded me a moment, letting out a questioning sigh, "Get inside before more mortals see you. You stand out too much against the foliage. Also, you look to...unhuman not to be fae."

I blinded, "Oh, and you do? Mister Highlord, I hate to tell you, but Blonde stands out too against green!"

"Not when the sun hits it. It just looks like rays of light." He not so humbly stated. "Now, please go inside. Or does the carriage need to toss you in?" His lips curved into a smirking grin.

I blushed but tried to maintain my understanding, "Was that meant to be a joke, Tampon?" Yes, I just called him a sanitary product, and he didn't look pleased about it, but the smile remained.

"Don't act so surprised. I'm not always as grumpy as people might say. Cyrus," He chuckled as we walked into the house.

Lucien stood by the stairs leaning against the rails at the base. Eyeing his friend with suspicion. Shaking his head, he stalked off.

"Tamlin? I know you may find me suspicious because of Ama...her. I'm unwanted and not needed here, but..."

Tamlin sighed, "I could use the extra help and support around here anyway. The wit and spitfire I hear you have might be useful. Not only did this court but to me. Keep me in line, and speak your mind with respect. Most hold their tongue, like Feyre did, or speak their mind without respect for me or my court, like Feyre did. It was not that you are unwanted here, more like the Nightcourt's attention is unwanted here. The constant reminder that you are a favor to her is unwanted. Cyra, if you are as powerful as we suspect you are, you might prove useful in returning the Springcourt to its former power."

I nod, "Right, because I'm a political pawn."

Tamlin frowned and rolled his eyes. Mumbling to himself as he walked to the kitchen, "Spitfire, you are..." His volume raised to speak to me again, "I like to think of it as Lucien calls you. You are more of a political ally."

I did not respond to him, so he continued to add, "Dinner is in three hours, I'm sure Lucien told you where everything is. So, without any more small talk, welcome to the mortal lands."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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