Chapter 3-A Very Mild Welcome

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"Greetings...Mor." I bowed only my head slightly out of habit. I knew how much she hated the formalities of Hewn City. She hated Hewn City in general. Only the very drunk Illyrian male and my cousin Morrigan were waiting for me. Buildings and streets are not far behind them.

"I am so glad you are here. The house is still a little ways from here, but we came to greet you. We will winnow as I know you must be tired and you are not yet familiar with the streets. Cass will simply fly home of course. This might not be the warm welcome you hoped for since Rhys and Feyre were too...well...preoccupied to see you right away. We were always closer than you and Rhys anyway. Hopefully, that will change now," Morrigan's words were very chosen yet excited as she walked to embrace me. Out of politeness, I lightly hugged back but quickly pulled away. "Amren is, well, Amren,(like I knew what that meant) and Azriel is off on important business. But Cassian here instead, just in case he was needed. Despite still being drunk from last night's festivities."

The Illyrian stuck out his hand to me, "I don't think we properly met. As entertaining as it was, you don't need to walk backwards once you reach the pole you know," he clearly still found it funny as he was laughing again. I didn't take his hand, as it was certainly a reason we never properly met. Reasons that are more complicated than the Hewn Cities rules. If he wanted me to know him, and my cousins wanted me to know him, I would have by now.

"I only did what I was told. I'm just glad I didn't fall walking like that. But than again, I am sober," I joked to lighten my own mood, which seemed to earn a twinge in his lip.

He let his hand swing back to his side as the other ran through his hair, "I didn't realize a female of the Court of Nightmares," I fought a hard wince,"could make a joke. But then again, you are related to Mor." He winks as he turned to spread his wings, "We should get going. You must be tired. I let everyone know you're here." Then off he flew blasting wind and snow behind him right at just Mor(have to get used to that) and I. I was not considering at is drunkenness as I would be surprised if he flew drunk often.

"Illyrians," huffed under her breath as her eyes rolled. "I am glad you are here. Really! I always wanted to bring you here, but...well, we can talk more later. I am just glad you calmed down a bit since last time. To be fair, you were having a hard time." She hugged me once more, and I thought of the last time we "talk."


Mor visited my father's house. The moment I saw her I was full of sadness and rage stronger than I felt before. All formalities out the window that was smashed by how she wronged me. I instantly turned on her, "Cousin Morrigan! We need to talk."

"Cyra, I told you, call me Mor...your hands..."

"Yes, my hands! My hands, because I'm stuck here. Bound to the city's ancient rules, like addressing people formally, being marked and treated like wasted food..."

"I don't understand. I thought you still had another year before..."

"'I messed up...MOR...and I didn't have any winged males to save me. Not you, not our cousin the Highlord who could do as he pleased and chose to use that for me like he did you. Not General of a race that treats their women just as badly yet they at least have a law to try and protect them. Who let himself be used by you so you could escape. Not the Shadowsinger who's hands are worse than my own. Who is supposed to know everything yet didn't know what happens to me or just didn't care. Not even father could save me this time. '

'The whole time, THE WHOLE TIME, there was a place far away from here. BETTER than here. Only because the lords found out about it did you all open this Velaris to us. You refused to take me, knowing what it is like for me here and so many others. We are family, distant, but still, you couldn't be bothered. Now it is open, will you now take me? Please!

'The only reason I'm not on the streets being passed around like a broken toy, begging to survive but wishing I was dead, is father had to employ me, his own daughter as a servant to keep me! You know the laws. After a year, Father will have to let me go and I must find new employment,' I explained like she didn't know the law. Law that should anyone become a slave servant to another faerie in Hewn City they only be a slave servant to that master for a year and than move to another master. This is in case the servant's rebelliousness or a failing should influence or curse the household. Should I, according to superstition, make other females infertile. Few will hire a useless woman. If they will, they have a waiting list centuries long of people like me the promised to hire first.

However, if one should serve for fifty years, then a master can choose to keep them and they are bound as a servant to that master forever! Something that influences Amarantha when she bound her curse, threatening us all with eternal service to her. I still can't let myself think much more of the time.

I began to cry. I was so angry, I was too tired to stand anymore, 'This is my last chance Morrigan. Please, please, for the last time, I beg you.'" I was on my knees on the cold floor before she refused to look at her anymore.

"We...we thought you be fine. At least for a bit longer. least Uncle Thanatos takes care of you and you lived well enough compared to others..."

"If that was the case..." I barely could whisper the words, "do you think I would beg you to take me away. Yes, Father was good to me, but he could only do so much for so long."

"I will talk to Rhysand."

Boldness that I was forced to repress by law for so long, boiled in me. I surprised myself as I look up at her own tear-stained face, "You will tell him, everything if he doesn't already know. If he does know or you don't tell him, then you and our cousin the Highlord hold to Hewn Cities greatest attitudes, 'Me before you.'


I refused to look her in the eye, only nodding. Hard time was an understatement. Though I didn't doubt the others were busy, it wouldn't surprise me if they just didn't want to. I hated her bringing General Cassian of all people. Why he insisted on coming is beyond me. Perhaps if someone less welcome entered Velaris with me, he would be able to handle it, or at least alert the others. This is not something heroic rescue of the maiden from Hewn City. It certainly wasn't entirely with Morrigan either. However, it was Cassian that handed her the "key" to her escape. I didn't need him here to watch my cousin hand me my temporary freedom

She wanted to talk more as if she hadn't already known everything. Of anything, I wanted to talk to my cousin the Highlord. The Inner Circle hated formality the Lords told me, so I will have to at least call him Rhysand. I was rarely allowed to talk to Morrigan since she was a negative influence on females of Hewn City according to what is traditional female, let alone Rhys. Since I was likely to be marked infertile it didn't matter as much with her but just in case my cycle came and I could be useful to a male, I was not often allowed. Rhysand was out of the question being a male, add half bred Highlord who doesn't respect the city according to the lords and males of Hewn City.

Morrigan's hands held mine and it was hard not to pull away. I was rarely touched being female and infertile. Still, I wanted to look like I'd fit in here, "Ready to go cousin?" Another simple nod and she immediately windowed us away.

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