Chapter 18- A Court Of Broken Trust

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Tamlin shifted back out of his beast form as we approached a half ruined manor. The main parts looked rebuilt, and the rest was in various stages of rebuilding. The white marble house looked regal amongst the greens of the hills and flower fields surrounding it. The roofing was a dark blue to contrast with the light blue sky. I wonder how it will look when it is done? I wonder what it looked like before?

The workers(male and female alike) used magic to lift bricks, wood, and tools to other fae working in higher places. So we're digging away at the dirt, ready to plant new flowers and trees. Slowly, as we got closer, they stopped working to watch us. Some of the males who seemed to be watching over the building approach us.

Judging by the weapons they carried and crest simular to the ones Mel and Ecca wore, these were not builders but sentries. "Who is this? Was this your urgent business we couldn't accompany you on?" The one spoke so abruptly you would think he was a parent scolding a child, rather than a guard speaking to their ruler. Melanie, ever ready to fight, told him it was none of his business. "Oh, but it is," he snapped back, ready to fight back, "Especially since the last 'guests' he brought here nearly destroyed this court."

Lucien stepped forward and seemed to have more respect here as the male's expression softened. "She is now a member of this court who was fleeing some savage males holding her captive. A favor to Feyre cursebreaker and an apology from her," Lucien added.

Some who could care less of who I was were now watching me. "Feyre cursebreaker sent her here! Why don't you care for her themselves instead of sending her to a land Cursebreaker fled?" This male seemed to respect Feyre a long with some, others seemed to fear her and who she brought to their court.

Everyone seemed a loss for words. What to say to make both the Tamlin supporters and toleraters happy. I came up with something over a slightly suspicious time. Better speaking late than not at all, I thought, "The Spring Court is the last place those males after me would look. The mortal lands even more , so i will be spending nights and can flee to if needed. Too, so I can learn from you sentries to defend myself should they arrive so i won'thave to run. They are no threat to anyone other than myself, maybe anyone in the way, but just don't get in the way. Also, many were told I was a former member of this court who wished to return. We hoped it would incline others to come back and help rebuild." I tried my hardest to make it seem like it was in their best interest and not threat that I'm here. An anwser that satisfy many who went back to work.

"You sound like Feyre... but only a little. My name is Bron. You will be training with us... You better be speaking the truth. If not, keep in mind accidents happen in a training ring." He turned to walk away but shouted back, "I am a peaceful male most of the time as are the other sentries, but times have changed. My job is defending this land. Even if it means breaking its laws," he glances over his shoulder. I swallowed.


In the manor, there were servants. Most pushed us aside and ignored Tamlin's orders to feed and clothe me before we took a quick tour of the Spring Court, so I knew my way around tomorrow. Then, leave for the mortal lands. It wasn't till I found a bathing room and asked for myself that a maid brought me the clothes and helped me prepare a bath. Tamlin may be Highlord, but without these peoples respect, he was Highlord of Nothing. A face for the court and means to survive. Even the sentries looked like they had a hard time seeing Tamlin not as a treat. If Bron was willing to hurt me to defend this land, would he and others hurt Tamlin? How many turned against him when Hybern got bad here, and Tamlin was thought of as a danger? Would they do it again?

I did not blame anyone in this court for being sure of him. The rumors are so true yet also one-sided lies. Thus, the court is so broken, not because of any physical damage. People do not know if they can trust strangers because strangers hurt them. They can not fully trust their Highlord because he kept things from them. Worse, they can't trust each other because of their differing opinions on these things collide. Something tells me they collide a lot more than Mel and Bron's trust or lack of in Tamlin I saw today.

Tamlin himself most likely couldn't trust his own people and sentries. He has little reason to trust me either other than Lucien's works. Jurian and Vassa seem to like me, but even the Spring Court members like Vassa and Jurian not so much.

Being a stranger here will be hard and isolating, but maybe that is what I need. These people's feelings towards me are not unlike those towards the Inner Circle. Perhaps this is what I needed, a group of people just as untrusting, confused, and broken as I am to learn who to fix together.

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