Chapter 2

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Hiro and I were walking down the street when he finally said, "(y/n), do you think I kill to much? I want your honest opinion on this." My heart skipped a beat and I felt as though that if I pick the wrong words, I might offended him. So I just thought quickly, "No, of course not..". He then looked at me with disbelief but didn't say anything. Went made it to Lucky Cat Cafe and I landed on the couch. I'm so tired..I thought. Hiro came and sat next to me, I started falling asleep and I leaned on Hiro's shoulder. I felt him relax his shoulders and I drifted off into a deep sleep. But before I faintly heard Hiro say, "We're gonna do something fun tomorrow, just you wait (y/n)."

The next morning

I woke up to me leaning on Hiro and I got up to see him staring at me. "How did you sleep?", he asked me. I told him that it was alright and I got up and cracked my neck. "Well I hope you did have a good night's sleep, because today we are gonna have another round of fun time.", Hiro said with a smile. I had a bad feeling about this.

Sanfransokyo Mall

We made it to the Sanfransokyo mall and I looked at him confused. It seemed way to normal for Hiro to do shoppin, well if that was really what he really is doing. He held my hand as we made it in and then let go and said to me, "Ok, here's what's going to happen, you're going to pretend that you lost something in front of the store and when that manager comes out, I'll rob the cash register." I knew he wasn't here for anything normal, that's Hiro for you. I shrug at Hiro and ask, "Hiro I don't know about this, Tadashi wouldn't have wanted this he-" I was then cut off by Hiro grabbing my wrist hard and getting close to my face. "What did I tell you about him?", he said his eyes burning with fire. I got scared and he was hurting me so I answered quickly, "You said never to speak of him.", "Good, now hurry up and let's get this done." He let go of my arm harshly and went behind the wall telling me to get moving. I sighed and then went in front of the jewelry shop and I pretended to look for something frantically. A woman came out of the shop and asked if I was looking for something. I looked at her with fake tears and nodded, "yes, I seemed to have lost my necklace that my boyfriend had gotten for me for my birthday, oh please will you help me?", " I suppose a few minutes away from the shop wouldn't hurt.", The woman said while shrugging her shoulders. She got on the ground with me and started looking with me. I then signaled Hiro to hurry and make it quick. He ran in the shop and went to the cash register and open it and put all the money in a plastic bag. I kept watching him and made sure that he didn't get caught. Then the woman got up and said, "I don't see it anywhere dear, I'm sorry you lost your necklace." She patted me on the back and I slightly smiled and told her it was fine. I felt super guilty that we were stealing from this kind lady. It just made my heart sink deep. Hiro then ran out and whistled to tell me to come on. I quickly bowed to the lady and told her that I'm sorry for wasting her time. "Oh it's alright dear, I was talking a break from raising the money I need to make renovations for my shop." That's when my heart just broke, I held the lump in my throat and then ran to Hiro. I didn't look back knowing that there would be a terrible gulit trip if I had.

Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded in about a few day but I was busy with some stuff with school and at home. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this part of the story and plz comment or vote. Talk to you guys later. PEACE!!!

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