Chapter 9

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Hiro has seemed like he's changed, but I won't be to sure about it. I looked at the scar on my hand and clenched it. I can't believe he has come back just to be with me again, I thought to myself. "Hey (y/n), what's wrong? You're staring of into space.", Hiro said waving his hand in front of my face. I brought my senses back and shook my head to tell him nothing was wrong. Then all of a sudden, Honey Lemon brusted into my room and shouted, "(Y/n)! Hey how's it going? I was wondering if you wanted to---" She paused as she looked at Hiro in shock and surprise. A few seconds later she lunged herself towards him and gave him and big hug. "Hiro! OMG, where have you been? We missed you so much!", she shouted squeezing him tighter. I saw his face turning blue and I chuckled a little bit. Maybe it won't be me that has to kill him, I thought. But I told Honey to let him go and she did. Hiro, catching his breath, laid on my bed and rested for a minute.

"Omg, this is so exciting. I got to tell everyone else about this!", Honey said taking out her hot pink cell phone.

I rolled my eyes, Honey was always the crazy one in the group.

About 30 minutes later everybody else showed up at Lucky Cat Cafe. They were all so excited to see Hiro. Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, and Honey all approached Hiro and started talking to him at once; it was earwreaking.

"We missed you so much Hiro.", said Gogo and Wasabi. "Yeah we thought that something terrible happened to you, like Tadashi.", Fred said in his cool, calm voice.

Immediately, I saw Hiro's eyes widen and burn with rage. I quickly stepped in, "Umm...H-hey guys, can I talk to Hiro for minute please?", I asked and pulled Hiro downstairs. "Hiro, calm down, I know you don't like people talking about..him, but you can't get mad and then do something you're going to regret.", I said looking into his chocolate brown eyes and holding his shoulders. He averted my gaze and pushed me away. "You don't understand (y/n), you'll never understand what it's like to lose somebody you truly care for!", Hiro shouted and then ran out the door. "Hiro wait-!". Before I could even tell him to stop, he was already gone into the cold and darkness of the night. What have I done? I thought to myself. I then ran out to go find him.

> Back in (y/n)'s room <
The gang were silent and staring at each other. "I wonder if they're done talking.", Honey said looking at the cieling. The sighed and waited some more, waiting and waiting. Not knowing how that both Hiro and (y/n) were not even there.

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Hey guys. I really think that this story is really going good. What do you think? Write in the comments and tell me if the story is good or not. I can't believe I go to Florida tomorrow! I'm so excited. Anyway I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I'll talk to you later. PEACE!!

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