Chapter 20

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Dodging Nicholas's bullets, I took my sword and swung it at him but he quickly blocked my attack. Damn, he's too fast, I thought to myself. Hiro and Baymax flew through the sky to try and attack him from behind, but Nicholas was more experienced than we were.

"You should just give up already. It's obvious that I've won.", Nicholas gloated.

I saw Hiro glaring at him. I told Yumi to use her telekinesis gloves to get Nicholas's gun. She raised her hands and focused. The guns began to move but Nicholas was still holding onto them. "You stupid little telepathic girl! Let go of my guns!", he shouted pulling them back trying to keep them in his hands. Yumi tried but strained to keep a hold of the guns. "Come on Yumi you can do it!" I yelled. She focused and concentrated more and more until she was finally able to get the guns. "I got them!", she yelled in accomplishment. I grabbed the gun and set it on the ground and took out my sword. Taking one last look of the gun, I was about to smash it until I heard Nicholas chucking. I turn to face him, "What's so funny?", I asked getting a sneaky suspicion.

He looked at me and said, "You shouldn't take stuff that's not yours you know." I saw that he had a button in his hand. I had a bad feeling about this. He pressed the button and then, BOOM!! I then felt a strong force hit me straight in the face along with my body flinging about 15 feet. He tricked me, I thought to myself as I flopped to the ground. "(Y/N)!!!", I heard Hiro shout and then everything went black. I just layer there unconscious and losing blood. The last thing also is that I could hear Nicholas laughing. I have of course failed again, then thinking my last thought before my mind just faded and faded.


I fluttered my eyes open and saw Wendy, Yumi, and Hiro all looking at me with worry in their eyes. I tried to get up but I winced in pain and saw that I was injured once again.

"W-what happened?", I asked them. "Don't you remember you getting the gun from Nicholas but then he pressed a button and it exploded in front of you?", Yumi asked. The memory passed through my mind and then I clenched my head in pain. Hiro came over and layed me back down. I looked around and saw that we were in some kind of medical room. "Where are we? What happened to Nicholas?", I asked. Hiro down and placed his hand on his forehead. "You were unconscious and I didn't know what else to do, so I got us out of there as fast as I could.", Hiro explained. I looked at him in disbelief, "You were doing just fine! Why did you flee?!, I shouted. Hiro's sad and depressed face then turned into and confused, angry face. "What do you mean I was fine, you were nearly bleeding to death and these two were down as well!", Hiro shouted. I got mad and then got up, limping towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?!", he asked me. I gave him a glare, "Don't even think about following me!", I said. I guess it's up to me to finish Nicholas, but I won't be using violence, I thought. With that I limped out the door.

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Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Pretty interesting huh. It seems now that you are going to go talk to Nicholas. We'll anyway, I'll talk to you guys later. PEACE!!

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